Best Free Start Menu Replacement



Don't let the name of this program "Start Menu 7" put you off; it works on all the most popular versions of Windows.


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Start Menu 7  

A creative alternative to the Start Menu you find in Windows.

Our Rating: 
License: Free (Limited features)
Loads instantly, highly customizable.
May overwhelm with information, takes some time to get used to.
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Start Menu 7


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I prefer Classic Shell. It works on all the latest Windows versions and is trouble free, configurable and light on resources.

Some of the best features of this program are: 1) It can be set up to highlight recently installed programs. That way if any programs give you problems, you can quickly see which ones you just installed. I don't remember how long it highlights them, but I think it's for at least a week. 2) It's great for using without the mouse. Faster method than the built-in menu. A friend of mine that has this program only uses it mouse free. 3) Being able to make your own personal categories, other that just the All Programs, Quick Start and Autorun categories. 4)Can change the size of the font and the length and height of the program window. And more. It's a great program!

Frank Tracy

Just like to recommend what a few other people have mentioned - Classic Shell. Small download, installs with no hassles, and uses hardly any system resources. It has lots of settings to fiddle around with, and (you can choose to install this or not) it adds some additional functionality to Explorer.