Gizmo is Retiring but Gizmo’s Freeware Goes On

Next week I will be turning 75 and I have made a decision to retire.  Many years ago I promised my wife that I was going to retire soon, but “soon” never arrived. Now it finally has.
Although I am retiring, nothing much is changing at Gizmo’s Freeware.  Things will pretty much go on as they have in the past except that I won’t be here to manage the site.
Instead of me alone, the site will now be managed by a group of four senior editors: Jojo, Glyn (Midnight Cowboy), Rhiannon and George Lewe.  I will have no role at all in the running of the site or its finances.
My retirement comes into effect on December 31. After that it will be all up to the new management team.  I’m confident the new team will bring some fresh ideas and new energy while retaining the community-based philosophy that characterises Gizmo’s Freeware and sets it aside from the rampant commercialism of many other sites. 
And with our recent fundraiser, I’ll be leaving the site in a strong financial position that will ensure its survival into 2021.
But before leaving, I want to thank the hundreds of volunteer editors who have worked on this website over the last decade.  Without them, this whole wonderful enterprise would not have been possible; they are the stars. From my heart, I thank them all deeply.
And may I thank you dear readers. Your support too has been essential both financially and in your never-ending encouragement. 
The last ten years has been an amazing journey but for me, that journey has come to an end.  
But in the hands of the new management team, this site will continue on and I’m sure will deliver truly wonderful things to our readers.
As for me, I will be entering a new phase of my life.  Thankfully, I am in excellent health which will allow me to tackle the long list of things I want to do, and the projects I want to complete.
So it’s goodbye from me. Thanks again and I wish you all health, peace, and happiness in 2021.

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As you can see, I had this account for 10 years, 10 months. I probably have been visiting this site longer than that. This is my go-to site for my computer software needs. If I ever need software, I type gizmo in the search bar. It never fails. Thank you and best of luck! Hope this site continues far into the future! Happy retirement!

Indebted to you. Best wishes for your retirement.

Thank you so much, Gizmo! :-)

God bless you, your family and all the people around you: Happy New Year, HEALTH and PEACE! *thumbsup*

Thanks Gizmo. You represent everything that is great about the Internet.
Very few people have helped so many - you should be really proud of your achievements.
I hope you have a long, healthy, happy and rewarding retirement.

Best. Site. EVER!

Thank you, Gizmo, for all that you did and (hopefully) will continue to do for Gizmo's Freeware.

There has NEVER been (and continues not to be) anything like this masterpiece you created.

Recognizing your need for help, and then convincing others to actually help you to not only keep the site going but improve it, was again a genius decision.

Best of luck to you and your family in the future!!

Thank you!!
Thank You!!!!

When I saw that you are retiring - then I registered as a user on this site just so that I could post this big 'Thank you' to you.
Thank you so much for all your hard work and for making a site which is useful and trustworthy
I don't know you - but can I make a suggestion........Don't completely retire. Still keep your hand on the wheel. It'll be good for you - and, I'm sure, good for the site.
Wishing you happiness, success and fulfillment for the coming years

Thanks and may the road rises up to make every step an easy one. You have been a great help to this old 71-year-old and I wanted to thank you.

You have enlightened me over the years about the options I had to download secure software. I also learned things I would not have learned on my own. I wish you good health and a happy life. You shall have the satisfaction that your effort has done a lot of good and is, and will continue to be, appreciated.
May the team of senior and volunteer editors can continue your legacy and expand it, as all good legacies should.

Hi Gizmo, Your site has been a tremendous help to me over the years. Many thanks to you and your staff. You will be missed but never forgotten. Have fun in your retirement. Regards Dell Robinson

Thank you Gizmo! Enjoy your retirement!

Jojo, Midnight Cowboy, Rhiannon and George Lewe are taking over? The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the new bosses, huh? Oh, we are so doomed ... :)
More like the Three Musketeers and Queen Boudica as I see it. :D MC (still) Site Manager.
Well, that is better than 3 Stooges and Lady Godiva I guess ...

Lol yep you're stuck with us. :)

With Panzer frequently recommending the apps, we have FIVE.

Most definitely.

Enjoy your retirementwith your wife, may it be long in health and happiness. I found this site by chance about 15years ago and what a goldmine of info it's been. From freeware to forums and you and the editors. Some businesses could take a leaf out of your book. Amazing and take care

Thank you for all the work you have done. Best wishes for a happy and enjoyable retirement.

Congratulations on your retirement!

Been coming to your site for quite a few years now, been more than happy to recommend to all n sundry as the place to get info and software for any purpose, started following/using your site mainly from the blog/newsletter you had back in the day. So I feel like “an old friend” is leaving. Sorry to see you go but happy to have “known you” so to speak, enjoy the retirement and take care of yourself and yours. Good luck.

Many, many thanks for such a reliable, trustworthy site. With great appreciation, I've passed this site on to friends and family.
All the best, and enjoy retirement!!!

What a great enterprise you started here. I've adopted many of the recommendations made on this site over the years, all of which have proved successful. I'm just a little older than yourself and chose to take early retirement at the age of 57. So, you are most certainly deserving of your long awaited retirement.

I wish you every happiness in what you choose to do in the future and may that be both long and fulfilling. Best wishes.

Gizmo, thanks for your contributions to the technology area, enjoy your retirement !!!

Gizmo is retiring! Long Live the Team!
Many thanks for all you've done for Gizmo's Freeware and for us users, and may your legacy live on with the Team to follow in your footsteps.

'Gizmo' as it has always been known to me and bookmarked that way too, has been my go to since my early days on Windows. Thank you for all your hard work, I wish you a fabulous retirement.

Thank you Gizmo! Enjoy your retirement!

Thanks for all your time in the past. I've been following for years and have learned much. Enjoy your time off and new dreams.

I followed you from the very beginning. I have enjoyed every comment of yours throughout the years. Your accomplishments on the internet are legendary. While I will miss you, I wish you well in your retirement. Best wishes to one of the true legends of the internet. Farewell gizmo.

Thanks a lot!! And best wishes for your future!

Gotta echo all the other posts here, always been one of THE internet goto sites. Hope you enjoy many years of happy, healthy retirement.

