Free eBooks And Audiobooks To Read Online Or Download


Free eBooks Index

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Free Audiobooks Index

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This is the launch page for the pages here at Gizmo's Freeware that list sites with free ebooks and audiobooks by genre. See related links below for listing eBooks and audiobooks by alphabet and on the format of the ebooks, Kindle, ePub and Online Reading.

There are well over a million free ebooks and audiobooks at the sites listed within these pages. I hope you enjoy the content. If you have a genre or other interest that you would like added to these listings, you may contact me or post in the comments below.

To the best of my knowledge all of the websites listed here offer only content that they are legally entitled to transfer to you and safe for downloads. If you find a site listed here that you know illegally offers copyrighted material or if you ever encounter malware on any of these sites, please report below with a link to the infringing content.


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Free programming books:

New updated eBooks site

Wonderful provision. Thank you dear team for the hard work and for making this available to us. warm regards, Richard

What about free e-books for the Nook?

You may already know of this site: The University of Virgina has a VERY OLD, and now abandoned in place, library of selected Hypertexts ... a few of which are good reads. The link is old, and very obscure: I saw some DUST fall off when I first clicked on it! (Darn I hate to see a project RUSTING in cyberspace like this .... :( ) When WAS that page last updated, anyway? I suspect it originated about the era of Windows 3.1 ~~~~~ 'cause that URL is very 'DOS like' ....

i agree provides freely downloadable eBooks, documents courses and lecture notes found all over the internet.

Thanks. I have bookmarked and will add in on next update. It will be added to the Free Courses Online pages here (which is a very good resource also) as well as some of the other pages here. Steve

I echo the request for a section on arts and crafts.

I finally have put up a free ebook, and written instruction, page for Arts & Crafts and Hobbies. Hopefully, I will get the video instruction page up soon. Steve

In the section Free eBooks & Audiobooks By Genre, I would like to see a section for books on arts and crafts - can that be done? I find it very difficult to find free ebooks in these genres.



I finally have put up a free ebook, and written instruction, page for Arts & Crafts and Hobbies. Hopefully, I will get the video instruction page up soon. Thanks for the suggestion. Steve
I have seen some listings for that at sites and thought about it during my latest round of updates on ebooks. I do not have much time as of now, but I will see what I can do. Steve
As of April 19, 2013, all pages have been updated and all links have been checked with LinkChecker and are working. I will be unavailable for most of the time during the next month and usually will not be able to respond to posts. However, I will be back after that, so any new sites or corrections to the listings that you post would be appreciated even though I may not be able to respond when you post. Steve

Great and useful list.
Thanks for sharing.