Donate Now and Help Keep Gizmo's Freeware Independent and Non-commercial


To donate now just click the "Donate" button below.

You can donate using any major credit card, by bank transfer or from your PayPal account. For your security all processing is handled off-site using PayPal's high security servers, however you do not need a PayPal account to donate as they can process your credit card without any need for an account. No credit card or other sensitive information is held on our site. Any information provided is treated as confidential in line with our site privacy policy.

Why donate?

Gizmo's Freeware is a non-commercial community site staffed entirely by volunteers.

Our aim is to provide our site visitors independent and unbiased advice on the best free software for their needs. To keep the site independent, we try to absolutely minimize the number of ads we run on this site.

However running a site like this takes money and the more successful we become, the more we have to pay for server costs and other essential infrastructure charges.

That's where you can assist. If you support the idea of free software, if you value the idea of free, independent information on the web or simply like our community site then please help by making a donation.

Any money you donate is only used to keep this site running and will be used directly to pay the expenses we incur. As a result every donation is critical to the long-term survival of the site. Even a small donation helps. 

To donate now click the "Donate" button at the top of this page.

Thanks for your support.

The Gizmo's Freeware crew



great site love the info i can always learn from this site

Hey Gizmo's Freeware crew,
Have you considered using Transferwise as an additional donation method? Their fees are less than Paypal.
I'm involved with another website/forum which relies on donations and the owner tries to encourgage people to use Transferwise due to the better fee structure.
It might also be better option for those who don't like to use Paypal.
If you set yourself an account up let me know. I'll be your first donater;)

Hi, All - I'm fairly sure that at least once in the past Gizmo allowed me to contribute by good old-fashioned check or money order. I have PayPal now, but for others who are concerned about the privacy/security issues, maybe you could post a mailing address/information for contributing via mail? We need everyone to be able to chip in and help! :)

I tried to donate again using the Donate button above. That takes me to a Paypal-administered form. I selected the Debit/Credit card option. Once again, it won't process my donation without the input of my phone number, which I am not going to provide. I have made other purchases today on other sites with the same cc that did not require my phone number. I don't understand why you won't take my donation without the input of one of my phone numbers.

This and other issues related to PayPal crop up regularly in their support section. From what I can gather from scanning the posts they relate to country specific issues for either the sender or where the receiving account is registered. Since the financial regulations for each country will likely be different this explains why you can send/receive to/from one source but maybe not to another. Mobile phone numbers are requested to combat fraud since they are used to send an SMS verification code. MC – Site Manager.

It asked for (actually: required) either a mobile, home or work number. My home number can't receive SMS, so that appears not to be the reason it was asking for that info. Plus, usually one has the option to do verification via email, which I did supply. But, it said nothing about a verification process in the form in any case. Just letting you know.

I have used this site for many years and found it very valuable. I use ad-blockers extensively because I have a strong distaste for paying for the ads on services I pay for and the tracking that goes along with them. I am sorry to hear of the financial strain on the site. I was happy to donate to help keep it going. Good luck with the fund the raising.

Hi Gizmo's

I just tried to donate $10 by clicking on your donate button, but "PayPal" wouldn't let me do so with my Visa Debitcard unless I agreed to sign up for a PayPal account.
I don't do PayPal anymore as they have robbed me of some money and wouldn't give it back!

Sorry as I would rather die than use a PayPal account again for any reason!

should use ... I have setup several accounts with monthly stipends of $1 ... image if you have 10,000 patrons, you'd get a lot of monthly income. I have no problem paying for stuff I use.

Patreon is great.
Thanks for the suggestion. MC - Site Manager.

Just a 'heads up' that the STORE site isn't loading. I'm interested in a hat/shirt/etc.! I don't know what I would have done through the years without Gizmo and Tech Support Alert! Happy to donate AND proudly wear something to promote the site. :)

The link to your T-shirt store,, is broken.

Thanks for all the years of great service to our community. With this request for help I looked back and found that 3 years ago was my last monetary support, so it's about time eh? Tech Support is ALWAYS my first goto for PC/Windows/Software help. Always. Keystroke (march) on!

thank you for all the years of excellent advice. As I consider donating I realize I'm not sure of a reliable procedure for verifying I'm actually donating to Gizmo (or any other site). I'm sorry to ask you for more info, but I'm sure I'm not the only ignorant one looking @ your site. Please publish such a guide, it seems to me to be exactly in both of our, as well as many readers, interest. Or if it exists elswhere, can you point us (we the ignorant) at it? Also if you or any readers can explain why the use of frames and therefore "printer friendly" online material is so universal? Specifically, why are comments not available on gizmo printer friendly material? I generally learn as much or more from the comments, than the articles, from most sites. Thanks in advance, to anyone who cares to enlighten us.

Thank you for this site. I donated, but I almost gave up when I came to the donation page and couldn't find the donate button. I turned off my add blocker (uBlock Origin) and the donation button appeared when I refreshed the page.

I tried to replicate the problem by turning my ad blocker back on and refreshing the page. The donate button was shown, so I don't know if my earlier experience represents a problem or not. I'm using Firefox.

Thank you Gizmo for all your help and insight that you give so freely! I will gladly donate on Paypal.
I wanted to buy a tee shirt on your link but, it's not working...

Is there any way that we could use PayPal?

Best site around, first stop when looking for software. More than happy to contribute. We all take something out, now it's time to put something back.

concur with all the other folks & think it's 'bout time I ponied up. Thanks for saving me & making me feel great----how dooo you do that?!

Thanks for all the good stuff you send. My wife and I are on Social Security and it's a little tough paying things out, but a donation to Gizmo is really great as you have saved us a lot of cash in wasted purchases. I wish the amount could be more. Keep up the good stuff. Many, Many Thanks

Sometimes I forget how much this site has helped me over the years. On a whim I donated $25. Comes my bank statement, I see:


I admit it took a while to recognize that transaction. Recommendation: let people know in advance how this will appear on your statement. Then even dopes like me won't be surprised.

I am proud to be a supporter. Wish I could donate more.

Hi Gizmo. Finally shelled out and feel good about it.You guys and gals do an outstanding job of reassuring us all that there are well intentioned ppl on the net.

It's like we are actually part of we well meaning "community"...what an odd thing in this day and age (ha ha).

Thank you all for your goodwill.

Have added my bit. Am using yr site for years. You guys are worth it ! Regards from the Netherlands !


I,m more than sure that i,m the winner by discovering freeware on my own, I,m very glad my discovery was at this site and over the last year this site has educated me in many ways, I,m very glad to contribute, best regards from the Ozark Mountains

From across the herring pond, can I just say I am absolutely delighted to hear of the support you have received. You more than richly deserve it. Thanks for updating us.
And I echo earlier comments. If you need more don't be afraid to ask for it.

You might consider mimicking Jerry Pournelle's approach, and use the Public Radio model. The site is its usual self most of the time. But twice a year, for about a week each time, include a gentle reminder to renew at the bottom of each post. Happy to provide this information for people, completely voluntary, support a site you find useful, choose your own level of value, etc.

And, having just typed that, I see some of the comments are really old. So, it looks like you've revived this post a coupla times. Kind of sounds like you're halfway to the annual-ish pledge drive already?


Happy to help out. Gizmo's has basically taught me how to develop my computer skills (I'm on the wrong side of 60!), but more importantly, to be confident using one. I'm an avid Ubuntu user, which works seamlessly, and I have Gizmo to thank for introducing me to open source. Greetings from Australia - pauloz.

I like, assume others, are curious if you are still short of your goal (ie. 15%). In addition, considering the efforts of all the contributors and I know it's against your mandate, why don't you charge a nominal fee ($1.00 or so) to all your members so that this crisis would be avoided in the future. Another consideration would be a paid service which would provide recommendations of the best paid software available. I, for one, don't trust recommendations of software found on the internet. If anyone out there knows of such a service I would appreciate some feedback. Thanks to all for the efforts in maintaining this UNIQUE site.

I would like to contribute and clicking on any part of the "Donate" graphic takes me to a PayPal page which I gather is the method you've chosen.

Your post says we can do it by bank transfer, is this also managed via PayPal without needing an account?

PayPal offers multiple payment methods (Bank Account, Bank Transfer, and Credit Cards). You simply have to create an account which is free. PayPal NEVER divulges any of your information (they make the payment and recoup the money from whichever method you have chosen. Nothing could be simpler or safer.

I'm sorry sicknero but being a totally volunteer website without any staff or permanent offices we can't accept checks or bank transfers. We do appreciate though your offer to donate. MC - Site Manager.

I truly appreciate your efforts and feel safer with programs from your site. My donation was small, but I sincerely hope it helps.

let us know if you need additional help with the 15% that did not get covered during the first round.

life without techsupportalert would not be very nice!

best wishes to all the readers that donated and even to those that cannot afford to do so.

Yours is the only site where I would consent to hinting at my age. I am a retiree too. :-) I am unable to donate at this time but will do so soon. I will also volunteer in a few months to do any editing that I qualify for. I have been in this online business for a long time and you provide an invaluable service. It would be nice to have links to other sites you are involved in as well. I would enjoy adding them to my daily treks around the net. Keep On Keepin' On!!!

Glad to make a small contribution to keep this site up and running, like IRFANVIEW and the late lamented Karen Kenworthy's site, one of the old school free services that retains it's integrity after all these years.

I echo all the statements above. I've found so much help and information on Gizmo's site over the past year since I found it, and all the money I've saved, that donating to Gizmo's site goes without thinking. Sorry I cannot ease your funding as much as I wish that I could...

Added my modest donation as well to one of the finest websites currently available! Keep on keepin' on Gizmo!

Hands down, one of the first emails I read upon arising in the morning.
As with anything, sometimes it's appropriate to my needs, sometimes not.
But invariably there arrives a gem in my inbox that I would never have found otherwise.
Thank you for the great work!

come on people it only takes a few $$$ to keep this the best site on the web,quality freeware and forum for people that are not tech minded like me.learnt a lot from this site its priceless!!!

I donated $ a small bit ... I'm a senior on a fixed income. Instead: I'm donating hours per week as an editor - that's the only way I can truly support this fine site. I pay my own hosting costs too: and actually dread any of my sites going viral ... I have fixed bandwidth per month and I'd be off the net early each month for the rest of the month! So I know how important paying the servers on time IS ... And Best Wishes to this site and all who work and visit here ... Namaste, Sea Mac

THANK YOU for suggesting a meaningful way to express my appreciation of a great, informative, reliable resource; much as a tip for great service at a five-star restaurant.

May I suggest:
-- An unobtrusive banner ad, as on the landing page, where users can close the ad and not see it again for 7 days; or periodic banner ads like Wikipedia uses.

-- Adding Bitcoin to the payment options... just for the hell of it.

Thanks for all you do.

Note below: I like the *recurring* option on the PayPal authorization page.

It appears the Donate button on the top right of the page (not the one in the center column, but the one in the right column) is not working right now...

I donated nevertheless :)

Wish I could do more...will be back next month. Ever since discovering this site it's the only one I use to find freeware that's safe. You give info that even a tech-challenged senior like myself can understand - that's worth a million to us novices. Thanx.


I just donated, gladly.

SUGGESTION: Many people browse TechSupportAlert without begin signed up for email. Perhaps you should put a notice on the home page, asking for donations. Otherwise, many will never even know this page exists, nor the need for a contribution.

The way Wikipedia has its occasional appeals is very effective: a simple message at the top of the page.

$$ is one the way via guys are definitely worth it!!

Hello everybody,

Let's save this great site.
Please, donate!!!

Finally registered. Been a user here for many years and value this site. Will donate today also.