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This list of Best Free Windows Apps now includes 91 apps in various categories. To help you get the best of free Windows apps from the Windows Store, we have selected some gems in each category and added them to the list with clear and brief descriptions of each app.

The list covers Windows apps available from the Windows Store. If you're looking for desktop or legacy applications, check out Best Free Windows Desktop Software.


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This category is maintained by volunteer editor Jojo Yee. Registered members can contact the editor with comments or suggestions by clicking here.

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"Most folks who use PCs are professionals" Rubbish. I totally agree with the comments of VelvetElvis and speaking personally whilst I used Windows extensively during my business life I probably use it even more now I am retired, certainly in more diverse areas of my interests.
Have used all versions right up to my current Windows 10 Anniversary Update and the current version is light years ahead of those earlier ones. I have never felt the need to go to the Windows Store for anything and have never been prompted by Microsoft to do so.
For many years I purchased commercial versions of necessary extras like security etc but since finding Gizmos years ago all my apps are freeware and meet my needs perfectly for which I an very grateful.
Modern versions do collect more information about us than previously but I use O&O StartUp 10 to simply turn off those inbuilt collection apps and the social media platforms have never interested me.
I am amazed when users stubbornly stick to older, less safe and less efficient versions of Windows for non-economic reasons in denial of the indisputable technological advances.

Send Anywhere doesn't work in Windows 7. Any alternative suggestions?

Photo Fast Viewer isn't free.

Thanks for your feedback deya. It's now replaced with "123 Image Viewer HD".

I've been using 123 Image Viewer for a while now. It's good but I find it a bit buggy, although I notice it's getting updated so I'll stick with it. I've also been using Penteract Picture Viewer which is also quite good but the same applies, it's a bit buggy and could do with an update. But out of those two I prefer Penteract for my needs.

My requirements for an image viewer on one Windows 10 device are simple. I just need to view images stored locally on my 2 in 1 laptop, preferably by using touch, pinch zoom etc. Nothing fancy as regards editing and so on. I can use the Windows Photo app for that.

So I've looked around the Store, read the reviews, tried a few. The one app that I've found, so far, that suits my needs best is Photo Moto. It's a simple image viewer for your locally stored images, no more. But it works the best with touch out of the three I've mentioned. It's very responsive, navigation, zoom etc.

I just needed an image viewer (free) that allows me to quickly load images and zoom in to see them in more detail - mainly for work. Photo Moto is proving to be excellent for that.

Just a bit of an update from my previous post ....... and thanks for the apps lists :-)

Penteract Picture Viewer has been updated since. For touch, use the bottom of the screen - swipe to navigate, and pinch to exit fullscreen.

Noticed Penteract got updated. It's a good image viewer - and also, the zoom function is better than Photo Moto.

123 Image Viewer's zoom function works in a kind of mirror image way, ie, you have to move your finger in the opposite direction on the screen to where you want the image to go. Odd.

Format Converter X is not free.

Thanks for input Richie D. It has now been delisted.

It looks like the app Metro Commander is not available. There is another version with in app purchases at the following link:

You're on the spot boygnius. The original version is now marked "old" in the store and the new version added to the list.

Garbage. Most folks who use PCs are professionals who use them to do real work via spreadsheets, word processors, and presentation tools. That's just for starters. Then there are the heavy-duty applications for photo, audio, and video editing. Don't forget engineering design, modeling, analysis and simulation. Oh, wait, we omitted publishing, accounting/tax-preparation, and project planning. There are other vertical-market applications too numerous to list: a single such example involves the medical field: diagnostic tools, equipment-control, record-keeping, insurance case analysis, and many others. We don't have the space to get into software-development tools. I could go on and on and on.

Get the idea? These garbage "apps" from the Windows "store" are useless, and Microsoft's arrogant and stubborn focus on them dilutes the operating system that the Windows environment once promised professional people. They have no place on workstations, desktop systems and professional-grade laptops.

Really, what the hell *is* Microsoft's strategy nowadays? Why can't they make a real operating system anymore?

"Most folks who use PCs are professionals"
Nonsense. That might've been the case 20 years ago, but not today. Now PCs are just another appliance. We no longer have to type archaic codes into a terminal program to get our 300 baud modems to connect. Now grandma can fire up her laptop and talk to her grandkids on the other side of the planet, in real time, all with the very basic of training.
While these apps might not be yours nor my cup of tea, lots of people enjoy them, and can be up and running with them with minimal fuss. They're not intended to be used by business, and thinking otherwise is silly.
"Why can't they make a real operating system anymore?"
"Anymore?" LOL. I used to be a Microsoft hater years ago, and I started with DOS 3.3. The first versions of Windows were a joke, and serious business users were installing OS/2. Today's Windows is for the most part, solid and stable, and ubiquitous, and gets better with each iteration. The Linux revolution simply didn't materialize, and while it's a superb OS, it's never going to overtake Windows overall. I see no "arrogant and stubborn focus" on the Windows Store by MS. It's simply another revenue stream, and it's trivially easy to not see any evidence of it on your desktop. It's certainly not "diluting" my environment.
I don't go to the Windows Store for my development tools - no professional does - but I don't begrudge anyone who finds it useful . Enjoy your PC for what you need it for, but to belittle it is pedantically elitist.

Appreciate your hard work Jojo. Looking through these selections will keep me busy for awhile. I'll be checking for the Android versions for some of them to use on my phone and using the Windows version on my Desktop.

Can anyone tell me if there's a app available for missed call reminders for the windows 8 Nokia 520 phone. Not the written reminder that comes up on screen... a real audible reminder that beeps every 5 minutes or so until acknowledged.

I've been looking for weeks now with no success.... and no, my phone isn't rooted and I don't care to go that way whilst its only 6 months into the 2 year warranty.

As far as I know this app is not available for Windows Phone. Forums I have checked all bemoan its absence. if anybody does know of a fix I am seriously interested@

Thanks for this valuable information. I will check it out

NETWORK SPEED TEST from the Best Free Windows Apps sheet that it worked.
BUT when i first clicked it's "start" button to test my network speed i got an error msgs, I tried again and got the same thing so i uninstalled it BUT since I wanted to be completely sure before posting this review I re-installed it and when i clicked the "start" button this time it worked flawlessly.
Not only was it quick, but it told me what my upload, download speed was it also told me the network delay. On the the test wheel it's self it provided me with addition information of 0 - 3 had increments: music...voice calls...up to for me anyway stream high quality video.
I will be keeping this little handy app! (I think for those who play games like WoW and the like it might come in handy)
Hope this review is helpful.

Adobe Photoshop Express Free is now available at the Microsoft store.
Thanks Vic. It's now added to the list.

I recently found an app on the Apple App Store that my friend has on his iPhone.
Its an addicting game called "Whale Trail", and I couldn't find it in the Windows Marketplace. I'm not sure its possible, but if it were, then I would love to see this app on the Marketplace.

Please check it out.

@gzmhanu, Whale Trail is developed by ustwo and available for Android and iOS, but not for Windows yet.
