Best Free Remote Access Software

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Remote Access Software (RAS) allows a user to remotely administer another computer through a GUI (Graphical User Interface).

RAS software usually falls into three categories:

  • Attended (someone must be present on the remote machine);
  • Unattended;
  • Self-hosted RPC proxy servers (middleware for accessing firewall-protected networks).

In this review, we are interested in the first and second categories. There are also two different kinds of packages:

  • Downloaded and run without any installation;
  • Installed, and either uninstall at the end of the session or remain for future sessions.

Unattended control sessions would of course need to have the installed version to allow for connecting at any time in the future. Attended and Unattended Control Sessions and their pros and cons are explained in detail at the end of this page.


Rated Products


Very reliable remote access software with great features

Our Rating: 
License: Free (Private/Educational use)
Quick download and great reliability as well as loaded with the features you would most likely need while accessing a computer remotely.
Leaves a reminder window on the host and local computer about using the product - for personal use only. This product is only for personal use and using it for commercial purposes violates the use policy.
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A free screen sharing solution offering most features

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Free for personal use. It also has the most features of any free solution including: screen sharing; remote control; switch presenters; session recording; file transfer; specific application sharing only; and up to 10 computers joined simultaneously to the session.
Sometimes disconnects if you have a less than perfect connection. Not the fastest screen updating of these solutions.
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Other Products

There are many other products in this category, with a variety of features which may be worth listing here, so please watch this space for future updates.

A review of other products and versions in this category may include: Gbridge, Deskstra, VNC suite, Supremo, Crossloop, AMMYY, MingleView, RemoteUtilities, LiteManager Free, Radmin Server and Viewer, I'm InTouch, Splashtop Remote, True Remote and Anyplace Control.


Related Products and Links

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Attended and Unattended Control Sessions

Attended Control Session

Attended session is of course when there is a person sitting at the computer that you want to access. This is most likely a one-time session or when helping someone fix a problem where you will not be allowed to access it without the other person being present. This type of access is usually quicker to establish, but also comes with fewer capabilities when compared to a fully installed software that runs as a service.

Typically the process for establishing an attended session is simple. You ask the other person to download a small application which runs in their user session and has access to everything the user has rights to. From here the situation varies, but usually requires that you and the other person exchange a small pass code - either auto-generated or set by you. Once they initiate the session you are connected and able to request control of their mouse and keyboard. If the software is simply run and not installed there are typically some limitations like not handling multiple monitors or losing connection and having to start the process over again because it doesn't have an auto-reconnect feature.

Unattended Control Session

If the software installs then typically it falls under the unattended category. There are more capabilities with an unattended solution but the trade-off is that the user needs to have authority on their computer to install software. Installed software also leaves behind a footprint, although there are some that ask the other person, upon completion of the session, whether they would like to uninstall the software.

Which Control Session Do You Use?

To sum everything up, you may need different tools to accommodate different situations. In my years of experience helping people solve computer issues remotely I use the best tool for the job. When speaking with a person that has no understanding of their computer and no idea of whether they are allowed or capable of installing software I use an attended, non-installing type of tool. Other times I might choose to get the person to install an unattended tool. Let the situation dictate the best tool but always have both available.



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This is all wonderful stuff, but if you have Windows 10, you already have (FREE!) Windows Remote Access built in, and you won't have to download and install anything else. It's also very simple to use - the instructions are here:

I have used that before with a client, and it worked quite well. That was a few years ago, and I'm about to try it again now.

Hope this helps!

David in Mississippi

This requires Windows 10 Pro.

LiteManager - very good free software for remote access too!

Any opinion on Aeroadmin?

I tried Mikogo, and noticed two problems -
1) Does not appear to cater for unattended access. Which to me means that one dare not allow the remote PC to restart (say after software install).
2) It virtually ignores my mouse clicks. I can move the mouse pointer, and I can get the big red pointer, but clicks do not happen.
I have tried connecting to a really remote old XP laptop, and to a new laptop (Win 7 Pro) 10 feet away.

I help a lot of friends, so Teamviewer is starting to hint that it thinks I am 'commercial'
I have two questions -
1) If I do wear out my welcome, does it totally block future use, or does it restrict you to 5 minute sessions ?
2) When others are recommending Teamviewer alternatives, it would be great if they mentioned whether they cater for unattended access.


Like many on here I used teh free version of LogMeIn for many years and now find myself looking for another provider. Can anyone make a suitable recommendation please? My requirements are:

1 Simple remote access of my home pc, from my laptop and/or ipad when I'm away from home
2 Unattended access of my home pc
3 Just need simple access to my documents etc on my home pc. Don't need options to print to local printer, file share etc
4 Speed and smooth operation is important. I don't want to wait several seconds for a responce after clicking mouse
5 Free
6 Easy set up

There seems to be so much on the market and as I'm not the most IT literate, any help would be appreciated.

Hi, How can I get TeamViewer to access my work PC without someone being at my office to tell me the Partner ID number? I have tried a bunch of times to access my office from home and can't figure out how to do it. Thanks so much for your help!! Janet

I'm pretty sure that you have to specify 'un-attended control' when you first install the program on the target computer. Do you recall seeing that choice?

I just installed TeamViewer, and it does have an un-attended option.
There is an extensive tutorial video that shows how to set it up for both attended and un-attended operation here:

I only used LogMeIn to schedule programming on a VCR type application, on a dedicated home theater PC, from remote locations.

I need a replacement that will start up when Windows starts, and not require a new password to be entered, or given to the controlling computer. Also preferably, controlled from a web based screen without having to install a program.

Any suggestions?

UPDATE: Went with TeamViewer in unattended mode.

TeamViewer allows for un-attended remote control.

Just received an email from Logmein

"As of January 21, 2014, LogMeIn Free is no longer available. To continue using remote access, you will need to purchase an account subscription of LogMeIn Pro."

I'm a little bit disappointed by that

Hi, I have been using Log Me In for the last 7 years - the Free Version. I need a program where no one has to be at the remote computer. Any suggestions?

I own my own company and need to log in remotely on a regular basis. Thanks so much!

For me, RemotePC (only 1 computer free) and Remote Utilities (10 computers free) work with my company firewalls. Both have a Windows client (Viewer). Remote Utilities seem to be faster though, but RemotePC also has file transfer and other stuff. Both have an iPhone app (android also, if I am not wrong). RemotePC works with the browser also (java only, not sure what version though).

Remote Utilities also has sound capture, session recording (to watch, what was clicked or to record a video to support someone) and file transfer. Feature-wise I would say both are fine. Maybe Remote Utilities has some more options like power control, remote task manager, remote execute and Inventory manager. Installation-wise remotePC has somewhat more security. You need to login with email and password and enter a self decision pass-phrase on every computer login. It lists your computers like LogMeIn. On Remote Utilities Viewer you need to add the computers on your own.

The iOS app from Remote Utilities lacks Cntrl + Alt + Del Keys and special keys. Just posted in their forum my requests. On that case RemotePC is better.

But still the speed is way too slow with remotePC. It takes some Seconds for a click on start menu, while Remote Utilities is more or less instantly available. The Browser integration from RemotePC was not working here (my Java is probably to new).

Just like a drug dealer!

They get you hooked/used to their product for free, and then decide that they're going to charge for it. I think they'll lose a lot of business. I understand that they couldn't do it for free forever, but they could have made it a paid version for commercial and continued the free for the private individual. That would have been fair, rather than pi**ing everybody off like this.

My logmein dashboard said I had free until year 2020. Therefore, have they lied??

I am so upset with them as are everyone I know. And just like me, they'll vote with their feet by going elsewhere too.

Bye-bye logmein and raspberries to you.

I also saw that yesterday. As I used it on my work computer, I need a new alternative. TeamViewer did not work (and I do not want to use it), CrossLoop does not work also. InPcRemote does also not work. Now I am in contact with the creators from PcRemote ( ), as they offer a free version for 1 computer, to get the information if I can also use it on my work computer. That would be enough for me as I can connect with VNC to my private computers. If they allow that, maybe that is an alternative to LogMeIn (except if LogMeIn is cheap, but I doubt that).

For non proxy stuff, maybe Chrome Remote Desktop (Browser Extension for google Chrome) is an alternative. CroosLoop also seems to work. Maybe InPcRemote is also usable, haven't tested it yet.

Why don't TeamViewer and CrossLoop work for you?

They won't work, because it's a corporate network. More or less everything is blocked. LogMeIn was the only thing, which worked so far. RemotePC can be used for work computer also (the one free license) and it works for me. They also have an iPhone app. Yesterday I found other alternatives, which maybe can also be tested. AeroAdmin ( ) is like TeamViewer's initial release (just an app you start and give the codes to the admin, which should connect) and is also free for business use. Another software is Remote Utilities ( ), which is free for up to 10 computers even on business use ( ). They also got a iPhone app. Both (RemotePC & Remote Utilities) got a Windows Viewer Client (You had to pay for the LogMeIn counterpart). So far I like these 3 tools. RemotePC seems to be somewhat slower as it seems, but has even Video and Sound recording, file transfer and many other stuff.

Yes, the Chrome Remote Desktop extension looks like a leading contender (totally free, headless, no port issues). I noticed a number of positive comments about it here yesterday, but I haven't tried it yet. The Google account thing might be an issue to navigate.

I found a nice, sortable master list of these programs here:

Update: Remote Utilities just came out with a version of its Team Viewer-like program that's free for up to 10 computers even for business use!

Neither is a free version of, as far as I can see. Not sure when that happened.

Sure, Teamviewer is great, but its free uses are quite contained. Friends and family gratis support only, no financial gain directly or indirectly. Logmein Free could even be used (legally) by businesses.

Thank you for the above information. Both products have now been removed from the review. was from the same vendor as LogMeIn so it's no surprise this service has gone commercial too. MC - Site Manager. is still a "freemium" product according to the 1/21 post at

For those interested in making some business use of remote control, it's worth noting that AMMYY and Supremo - both among the more-mentioned as Logmein Free replacements - are NOT licensed for free business use.

I have found no constraint against business use of Crossloop, but I have not tested it to see how it stacks up. It uses a proprietary package in conjunction with TightVNC, probably to secure it and to add a solution that does not involve configuring the firewall.

I think the trick now is finding a product that allows simple setup (i.e. no tortured sessions trying to get people 1,000 miles away to forward the right ports when they may not even know what a router is), automatic connection (no user intervention once setup), and that is free for more than just personal use.

I immediately thought of something like TightVNC, but it has the port problem. I'm not sure yet if there are any VNC varieties that have conquered this.

Remote Assistance in Windows requires user intervention.

Remote Desktop (host) isn't available across all versions of Windows.

Good points. Hopefully when a new editor volunteers to take over this category review some research will turn up a few new alternatives. MC - Site Manager.

I´ve tested many apps and teamviwer and ammyy are the best.

Agree, Teamviewer is up there with the best. It is my personal preference. Ammyy also works well, but unfortunately has been linked to scam artists (see below) which has given it a bad rap. Despite this, it is technically a good product.

Take a look at Crossloop. Not sure how Logmein works, but with Crossloop, the other party has to give you an access code before you connect. Its been a real lifesaver for friends and relatives that have PC problems!

I've been using LogMeIn Free for YEARS and have been 100% satisfied, until.... They're doing away with the free account soon (or restricting it to 10 computers).

I'm in need of a solution where I can have the ability to remotely connect to at least 20-30 computers (not at the same time). Its going to be a pain to switch because I need to log onto all of these computers to install the new software. :/

Can anyone recommend one over the other based on my criteria needed?