The Definitive Dual Booting Guide


Step by step article on dual booting Windows 7, Linux, Vista and XP

There seems to be a small but growing interest in Linux. One of the good things about Linux is that you can get a Live CD, where everything runs off the CD with no changes to your current system. Another is that you can install Linux as an additional operating system on your computer. When your computer boots up, you pick whether you want to use Linux or Windows.

One of the best things about this article is that it shows how to boot from each system to another system.
Like this:

- How to dual boot Linux and Windows XP (Linux installed first) -- the step-by-step guide with screenshots
- How to dual boot Vista and XP (with Vista installed first) -- the step-by-step guide with screenshots
- How to dual boot Windows XP and Linux (XP installed first) -- the step-by-step guide with screenshots
- How to dual-boot Vista with Linux (with Linux installed first) -- the step-by-step guide with screenshots
- How to dual-boot Vista with Linux (Vista installed first) -- the step-by-step guide with screenshots
- How to dual-boot Vista with XP (with XP installed first) - step-by-step guide with screenshots
- How to dual boot Windows Vista and Windows 7 (Vista installed first)
- How to dual boot Windows XP and Windows 7 (XP installed first)

The screenshots and directions are very clear.
The article is at the APC site, APC being the Australian Personal Computer magazine or APC for short.
(not, as I previously and erroneously mentioned while putting foot in mouth, APC the company that sells Uninterruptible Power Supplies)
There are flash ads on the site, not particulalry related to APC. Some of the articles have flash animations as well.
Its a little on the busy side with all that movement.

You may be wondering about which Linux to try.
It just so happens that the same site has a good article on how to choose the best version of Linux.
There is of course no definitive answer to that, so the article points you to some sites that should equip you with enough information to make some choices.

How To Choose The Best Version of Linux

The definitive dual-booting guide: Windows 7, Linux, Vista and XP step-by-step

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