Computer Programming For Beginners, Kids, and Adults


This program aims to bring "fun" back to programming by using a small, easy to learn programming language for beginners.
If you have any interest in learning computer programming, this appplication is aimed at kids, adults, and beginners is a good place to start.

Small Basic is a programming language that is designed to make programming extremely easy, approachable and fun for beginners.
It encourages everyone, from kids to adults to take their first step into the world of programming.

Some information about Small Basic:
- Small Basic derives its inspiration from the original BASIC programming language, and is based on the Microsoft .Net platform. It is really small with just 15 keywords and uses minimal concepts to keep the barrier to entry as low as possible.
- The Small Basic development environment is simple, yet provides powerful modern environment features like Intellisense™ and instant context sensitive help.
- Small Basic allows third-party libraries to be plugged in with ease, making it possible for the community to extend the experience in fun and interesting ways.

You might want to grab the Getting Started Guide when you download the program, its a great resource.
Aimed at kids and beginners, its well written, well illustrated and easy to understand.

Computer Programming For Beginners, Kids, and Adults
To install Small Basic, you'll need Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7, and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.

Addendum:   Since this article was published we have created at Gizmo's Freeware a list of easy-to-learn programming languages.

Signing off,


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new user trying to learn simple programming.

Welcome to the site. Glad you're here. :)

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please am very shy person so please do not laugh if i make grammatical mistake

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Sorry, but we do not provide such kind of help here.

I am looking for programing school for kids in Sanjose California

These classes are all online, they are taught on the internet. Anyone with an internet connection can take them.