Best Free First-Person Shooter



The Best Free First Person Shooter (FPS) category covers, as the title says, the very best, safe, first-person shooters. There are many free first-person shooters that are easily better than the mainstream games such as Call of Duty, and Halo. Although free, some games allow you to buy addons in-game, giving some an unfair advantage. Buying things with real money?! That's not free at all. This is a list of the top-quality fully free, no unfair advantages, first person shooters.

An FPS is a type of action game where you view the world through the eyes of your in-game entity. Thus, the term First Person Shooter. There are two main categories for an FPS: singleplayer and multiplayer. Unfortunately, singleplayer FPS's are a rare commodity in the freeware world.

The game-play, graphics and objectives of FPS's vary from title to title. Some games in the genre have a more cartoon feel, while others strive to emulate realism, and each has followers with their own tastes.


Rated Products

Urban Terror  

A "fun over realism" FPS game with fast paced and intense game-play

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Fun game-play, not too computer intensive.
Hackers are a slight problem at the moment.
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Hidden & Dangerous Deluxe  

Take full control of four WWII special operation soldiers and get the job done with strategy

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Customization, campaigns.
Weak online, controls.
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TrueCombat: Elite  

Plays a lot like America's Army, but much easier to break in

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Wonderful game-play, many maps and guns.
Population, the only downfall.
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Cube 2: Sauerbraten  

Blast everyone you see with breath-taking graphics at break neck speeds

Our Rating: 
License: Free (Open source)
Map editor, tons of maps.
Not many weapons.
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America's Army  

Work as a team to complete specific objectives in this realistic FPS game

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Teamwork, graphics.
Too much of the game is downtime.
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Rising Eagle: Futuristic Infantry Warfare  

A fast paced tactical action game oriented towards teamwork

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Graphics, game-play, weapons and customization.
If you think TC:E has too few players...
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PRISM: Guard Shield  

A tactical FPS game produced by the National Guard primarily for a single player

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Graphics, game-play and campaign.
System requirements, no one ever online, not many guns.
Read full review...

Other First Person Shooter Games

If this list still isn't doing it for you, head to Wikipedia's list of free first person shooters. But be warned, you might have to shell out some hard earned income for in-game items.


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This list needs some serious updating. Xonotic, Red Eclipse, 25Assist (America's Army 2.5), Black Mesa, Unvanquished, Alien Arena, Team Fortress 2 (doesn't matter if it's free2play, still should be included), AA Proving Grounds, Open Arena, etc ... there's so many, and if you include all the free2play FPSs, there's almost too much variety.

Thanks for this great list, specially for mentioning whether the game is primarily single player / multiplayer & whether it is online / offline. Finding this out was difficult and took a lot of time before downloading. Now it would be nice if this list was expanded.