111 Excellent Free Icon Packs


View this collection of 111 quality free icon packs, good for use on your computer, with a dock, or on a website.

If you're looking for some terrific icons, check out the ones at mintywhite.com.
Some collections contain one icon, others contain several. There's a mix of sizes, and a mix of formats - some are in .png or .ico only, and some sets have both .png and .ico formats.

If you're looking for a certain type of icon, one or more of these sets probably have what you want.
Some are business oriented, some are tech, some retro, some look like a mac, and some are icons we see everyday, such as folder icons.
I like the fun and whimsical ones like the M and M's, Playground and Enjoyment sets.
There's buttons, bags, containers, moleskines, coffee cups, animals, iTunes, Firefox, Safari, and book icons plus many more you'll want to see for yourself.

There's usually something interesting at mintywhite.com, in this case a link to even more icon pack collections.

111 Free Icon Packs
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Update: The site was down yesterday (October 19, 2009), it's back now.

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