Best Free Undeletable File Remover



Isn't it really frustrating if you want to delete a file or a folder but the system doesn't allow you to do so? Instead, the system just greets you with either one of these error messages:

  • Cannot delete file: Access is denied.
  • Cannot delete folder: It is being used by another person or program.
  • There has been a sharing violation.
  • The source or destination file may be in use.
  • The file is in use by another program or user.
  • Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.

Any solutions? Give these undeletable file removers a try and you might find them helpful to unlock a file, terminate the processes using the file or remove file-access restrictions that prevent you from deleting, renaming or moving a file.


Rated Products


A tiny program yet works well with supports for most features including kill processes

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Small file size, clean and simple user interface, with portable version available. Features include kill processes, close handles, unload DLLs, remove with or without reboot, command line and an optional action such as delete, rename, move or copy.
Adding a Bing or Quickstores toolbar but it's optional.
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A free tool to delete files blocked by something you do not know

Our Rating: 
License: Free (Private/Educational use)
Access from context menu or run separately. One-click to unlock or delete a file or folder, or close locking processes.
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A small program to eradicate any type of locked files from your computer

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Small file size, portable version available. Unlock locked file handles, unload modules, terminate a file's processes and/or delete a file.
Need to exercise caution when deleting a file as there is no option to temporarily send to the Recycle Bin.
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Other Undeletable File Removers

These are other undeletable file removers currenlty not rated in this review.

Freeware products reviewed but not recommended:

  • Pocket Killbox runs straight from the executable. It failed to delete a locked file for me when tested.
  • EMCO UnLock IT  is in active development and features a Ribbon user interface. I found the performance of version 2.0 unsatisfactory. Surprisingly I was prompted a message "The selected resource is not locked by any application" when I checked a locked file with the program.
  • UnlockMe serves just to unlock a file. It worked when tested on my XP system but failed to unlock a file when I tried it on Windows 7, which probably not supported upon this review.


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I installed Eraser - big mistake. It infected both IE and Chrome browsers with Palikan home page and search engine. In the Eraser/install folder there was a file with a .exe. extension which Windows would not delete saying it did not have access to the file. File ASSASSIN had the same problem but Unlocker got rid of it easily.

Anyone Try iObit Unlocker, I've been using it for a couple years.

I just used it. Worked well. No negatives.

I am using Win XP Pro SP3
I am trying to completely delete some folders (not via Recycle Bin).
The inbuilt Foler/File delete has these annoying habits.
- inane pauses with msgboxes -
- - Are you sure
- - Do you wish to delete EXE's
- - Etc

And the most annoying -
It refuses to delete folders that have _files on the end
I know that such folders are an accompanying folder when you save a web page (which I hate - so for years I always save as .mht instead)
For whatever reason there are some left over folders with _files on the end, and XP's File delete refuses to delete them.
I am then forced to drill down to find each one, and change the name of that folder.

Which alternate Folder delete program could I use that I could point to a folder, and tell it delete everything in there, with no inane questions (msgboxes)


Chrome also refuses to download it as it claims it is Malware. Sure the developer claims it is all OK but that implies a lot of trust - I am sure all Malware authors would make the same claim.

Which software are you talking about?

Sorry - Unlocker

Wow, I tried FileAssassin and it worked, thanks for putting it up!

While trying to Download Unlocker today there seems to be a forced minimum $5.00 donation before download is complete. This would remove this product as Freeware in my opinion.

I didn't encounter any such problem. Download was able to start and complete too.

Hi Anupam, when did you download it and from what URL? I used this URL and I am forced to make a Donation before download. Thanks for your rapid reply:)


I downloaded from the same link. On clicking the appropriate download link, a separate page opens, but that's just for promotion.. the download starts from the first page itself. I was able to download without problems.

Thanks Anupam, I did finally find it. It is not very friendly to the folks wanting to install it putting a tiny link down under the Large Download Link but I guess that is how things work out now a days:)

For anyone looking for the Free Download link look below the big blue boxes and you will see this:

Download Unlocker 1.9.2 - 32 and 64 bit version, click on it and it will bring you to the upload "Automatically".

Thanks for the rapid response and keeping my looking for the Free Download. It will probably help others in the future.


No problem :). And yes, sadly, that's the kind of practice nowadays, to dupe users into clicking on misleading links, or buttons. Therefore, it's quite necessary these days to make sure what you are clicking on. BTW, I find Emco UnlockIT better than Unlocker... atleast with the problem I had on my old PC. Unlocker couldn't detect the lock on Windows explorer, whereas UnlockIT did.

Thanks for the heads up. I took a look at it and it has a good review with my friends at MajorGeeks so I put it in my Toolbox.


What I am really crazily looking out for is a tool that will help 'safely remove' these USB Flash drives...

Can't understand. I am the boss, the owner of the PC..., and if I want it removed..., I do...

But Windows obstinately sits on it..., refusing to let me, or even to let me know what is happening. Knowing full well, that once exasperated I have to, and will pull out the USB Flash drive and be on my way...

Even Unlocker doesn't help in this... It removes locking handles..., but even after the locking handles are removed..., very often Windows does not allow 'safely remove'.

If a USB drive cannot be safely removed, it means that some Windows process is using it. It used to happen a lot on my older Windows XP system, and somehow the culprit was windows explorer. I didn't had luck with Unlocker. You should try Emco UnlockIT, which worked great for me.