Best Free Spam Filter for Experienced Users



Many spam filters are available employing lots of different techniques. In my experience "learning" spam filters that use the Bayesian statistical approach out-perform most other types of filters. Not only are they better at detecting spam, they are also less liable to classify your real mail as spam.

This effectiveness takes a little time to develop as the filter has to be trained to recognize your spam from your normal mail. It takes a week or so before results start becoming accurate and best results may take a month or more.

As this is designed for experienced users, I will give a tip that might be confusing for average users: Is it really a spam, or a service site you signed up for and don't want anymore?

Take a look at the e-mail and if it is from a company you ordered something from or signed up to receive e-mail from, then it may be something you don't want, but is not really spam. If so unsubscribe from the site itself. Say if the e-mail is from and you ordered from them, go to the site and unsubscribe to the newsletter etc. If it is "legitimate" spam don't click the unsubscribe link.


Rated Products


One of the best that works as a proxy mail server for use with any POP email client.

Our Rating: 
License: Free (Open source)
Works as a proxy mail server, can be used with any POP email client. Setup is reasonably straightforward for experienced users.
Beginners may be better off with Mailwasher.
Read full review...


A promising, free open source spam filter using a multifaceted spam filter system.

Our Rating: 
License: Free (Open source)
Uses a “multifaceted spam filter system that combines a variety of anti-spam techniques”. Like POPFile, it can work with any email client.
Requires additional plugins to integrate Spamato into Outlook, Thunderbird and the Mozilla Mail Client.
Read full review...


An excellent free Bayesian spam filter supporting POP3 and IMAP protocols.

Our Rating: 
License: Free (Open source)
Simple to install.
Like all statistical filters, need to go through a training phase before reaching full effectiveness.
Read full review...


An email filtering application that works in conjunction with your regular POP3 email program.

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Simple to install.
Like all statistical filters, need to go through a training phase before reaching full effectiveness.
Read full review...

Other Spam Filters

Other spam filters to be reviewed:

Spamihilater, Ella, Email remover, eXpurgate, SpamPal, Epam Experts Desktop, Cactus Spam Filter, SpamRIP, Bullguard Spam Filter, G-Lock Spam Combat, SpamWeasel, GMail Service.

If you have any experience with any of these, please feel free to share that info in the forum or give your comments at the end of this article.


Related Products and Links



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