Best Free Outlook Express Backup



Many email programs do not provide a practical way to back up messages, contacts and accounts. For example, Outlook Express (OE) uses an arcane data store that makes it difficult for ordinary mortals to back up, much less restore email messages. Backup programs offer a more straightforward way to back up messages, account settings and contact details (address book).

Notice: Outlook Express is the only free email client available from Microsoft for Windows XP. This review category will be maintained until Windows XP exits support life in 2014. Windows Live Mail is available for Windows Vista and 7. You can easily import your messages, contacts and accounts directly from Outlook Express when you install Windows Live Mail.

Backup for Windows Live Mail: It is easy to back up messages, accounts and contacts right from the program. [Use the two "Export" tools -- one under the "File" menu, and the other from the Contacts window, reached from "Contacts..." under the "Tools" menu.]  There are several free backup programs for Windows Live Mail if you don't want to do it manually.


Rated Products

Outlook Express Backup  

A full-featured backup program supports backing up all data of Outlook Express in the same backup file.

Our Rating: 
License: Free
A full-featured backup program from Genie-Soft, who specializes in backup software. Suitable for all users, as it's easy to install and easy to use in default mode, yet it's very powerful. There are "wizards" to lead you through the backup and restore steps. You can easily schedule automatic backups.
This free download is not the latest version of this product.
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KLS Mail Backup  

Backs up email for many of the popular email clients.

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Backs up email for many of the popular email clients. It's a clean, straightforward backup tool. Uses standard ZIP files to archive email, so you have direct access to the backups.
KLS Mail Backup does not backup POP or IMAP accounts. That means you cannot use it to backup webmail accounts like Gmail or Hotmail directly.
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Amic Email Backup  

Backs up messages, contacts and accounts of Outlook Express and more.

Our Rating: 
License: Free
A full backup includes mail folders, newsgroups, address book and identity settings.
The free version is not the latest version of this backup program. No longer actively developed.
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Manual Backup

iOpus has an article on using Microsoft's own File and Settings Transfer Wizard -- included in Windows XP -- to back up Outlook Express. Their utility captures messages, settings, accounts and contacts. You simply restore them as if your "old" computer is now your "new" computer.

I used Outlook Express for several years in a previous life. ;-) I simply used Windows Explorer to manually back up the messages and address book, and I exported account settings directly, using the "Account Settings" dialog under "Tools". You'll find Microsoft's guide helpful if you want to try this approach to manual backup.


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