Best Free Backgammon Software



Backgammon is a game of skill with a dash of luck... in the long run the better player will win.

Using artificial neural networks, computers and their programmers have found ways of winning regularly even against the strongest of players. But the technology doesn't take the enjoyment out of computer play.

One of the most ancient surviving board games, backgammon has a refreshingly simple set of rules. And it is also one of those games whose pleasures tend to stick with you over time.

This review will rate top backgammon freeware by sheer entertainment value and their potential for learning. Money play is outside the scope of Gizmo's Freeware, but if you're looking for a concise, independent comparative review of the best free backgammon software that's currently available you're in the right place.


Rated Products

GNU Backgammon  

A highly enjoyable powerplay program that repays in-depth exploration.

Our Rating: 
License: Free (Open source)
All powerful GnuBG engine, good 2D interface, many advanced features, several languages.
Buggy in 3D; a few quirky ways (see instructions when starting out); sizable download.
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Quick Backgammon  

A tiny portable backgammon allows you to enjoy quick games against a decent engine.

Our Rating: 
License: Free
Tiny, portable with some handy advanced features.
User interface is a bit clunky.
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More Backgammon Apps and Resources

  • Backgammon Free by AI Factory Limited is available for Android with strong Backgammon AI engine and 5 difficulty levels.

  • Backgammon Plus by Peak Games is available for both Android mobile and iPhone. It allows you to join the tables and play Backgammon online with your friends.

  • FIBS (First Internet Backgammon Server) lets you play other humans straight from your browser or using the programs that run across multiple platforms. Try logging in as a guest to play or just watch.

  • Monte Carlo Backgammon sports a neural network engine, but the dated interface and splashy sounds do not make for a particularly engaging experience. However, lovers of backgammon variants may enjoy the Play-To-Lose version of Monte Carlo Backgammon. Designed for Windows 95 and NT but it even worked for me in Windows 10.

  • Motif is a backgammon Java applet which lets you play against a computer from within your web browser. True, the engine isn't nearly as strong as GnuBg or Jellyfish, and there's no doubling cube. It does give a pip count on the left side of the board. Motif can be seen as an intelligent time waster for free moments online, or as one more way of enjoying backgammon.

  • Backgammon Galore is a good source of information, including indications about other sites with free backgammon Internet servers.


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