Get Yourself Published on This Site

How about it?

Do you know your stuff when it comes to computers?  Got the ability to write clearly? Then why not submit an article to Gizmo's Freeware, and tell thousands of people about a product that you recommend?

We accept the following types of article:

  • Short tips
  • "How to" guides
  • Tutorials
  • Product reviews

We do NOT accept:

  • Articles unrelated to computers
  • Plugs for commercial products
  • Biased or one-sided material
  • Text to which you do not own the copyright

We accept files in Word, RTF, plain text, HTML or any other standard format. Don't worry about formatting or presentation - if your article is accepted for publication we will do all that for you.

As this is a volunteer site we can't pay for submissions, but anything published will (if you so wish) appear under your name and include a short "byline" with a link to your website or blog.

How to get published on Gizmo's Freeware

Make sure you're logged in. Then click here to send a short proposal to our Site Manager. If you don't yet have a site account at Gizmo's Freeware click here to create one now. It's free and immediate.

Once you submit your article idea, we will guide you through the rest of the process.

So, what are you waiting for?  Click here to get started and claim your 15 minutes of fame.