Support Alert Newsletter Premium Edition Back Issue Archive

  1. The archive consists of a downloadable zip file of every issue of Support Alert newsletter ever published up to June 2008 including all issues of the Premium Supporters' Edition. It is the same information as that displayed on this page of this website but in downloadable form.

The archive contains each issue as a separate HTML file. It also includes a master index page called "start here.htm" that allows easy access to every issue from your web browser.

You are free to use this information for personal use just as you are free to use the information on this website for personal use but this material is copyright to this site and cannot be reproduced, resold, reused or applied to any other use.

Download archive

Two versions of the archive are available for download:

  • Version 1 contains all back issues plus a master index page.  Download  (1.8MB)

  • Version 2  is the same as Version 1 but also includes a free "Lite" version of the commercial indexing program diskMETA, that allows full text search of the back issues. Note that diskMETA does not work with Vista.

    Download (3.7MB)

If you already have a desktop search program like Enfish, X1, or Google Desktop Search then you may only need Version 1 as you can use your existing program to search the back issues.

If you don't have a desktop search program then you'll probably want to download Version 2.  However be aware that it will take longer to download and that the diskMETA indexing program will need to be installed after downloading.

Some folks, me included, who already have desktop search programs, may still want to download Version 2 with diskMETA and use it as a search engine dedicated only to Support Alert back issues.  When used like this, you will be able to find Support Alert information much quicker than when your search results are mixed up with other desktop search information.

What to do after you have downloaded the archive

Regardless of which version you download, follow these instructions:

  1. Unzip the downloaded archive to a new folder of your choice.

  2. Start up your web browser and use File/Open to locate the folder where you unzipped the archive, then load the file "start here.htm" into your browser.

  3. You can now access individual issues directly from the "start here.htm" page. You'll also find on the same page, a link to instructions how to install the full text search software.

