Windows 7 Startup


Want to know what happens when Windows starts?

This article is an overview of Windows startup with a flowchart and a couple of examples of the startup phases for immediate user logon and delayed user logon.

My goal is to make Windows startup more easily understood by the average user. So I have provided a couple of supporting articles on basic terms used to describe how Windows works and an overview of many of the main components of Windows.

This article will be most useful to confident users because it provides clarity and detail that is quite difficult to find elsewhere. All the information in this article can be found on the Web but you will find that there are no easy overviews. Most of the sources conflate (mix together) Windows components, features, and versions.

As of June 2017, the detailed processing steps are separated out into a separate article Windows 7 Startup Detail because the article was just too big. It now contains:

  • Descriptions of the major components.
  • Detailed sequences of activities for each process.
  • Example registry keys and values.


These articles have several caveats:

  • The articles are always going to be an overview rather than a complete description.
  • The articles are now unlikely to have more detail added.
  • The articles may have errors but wherever possible I have confirmed the steps in a real example. I've still had to rely on other commentaries as I've only used the tools that would be used by a confident user. That's why there is no mention of advanced tools for programmers like kernel debuggers or the special debug version of Windows (a checked build).
  • These articles are not not a troubleshooting guide although I have included some pointers for where to look for solutions to some problems.
  • These articles are not a guide to altering your system start-up processes. They should not be relied upon for making any changes to your system. Instead you should confirm any change through the relevant support channels for Microsoft Windows or the particular application you are dealing with.
  • These articles do not include starting Windows 8 or 10, installing Windows, resuming Windows from sleep or hibernation, or using safe mode and the other startup options. If you do want more detail in some area then let me know by registering with this site and leaving a comment.

These articles only looks at Windows 7 64-bit

Windows 7 is a good compromise between old and new versions of Windows. Although it is very similar to Vista there are major differences in the startup processes. I have pointed out some of those differences where it improves this article. For any thing else related to earlier version of Windows you will have to look elsewhere.

The examples I am using are based on startup traces I ran on my test PC running Windows 7 64-bit. I used 64-bit Windows because it was the future at the time. Plus I need to highlight how 64-bit Windows handles 32-bit processes.

The traces provide some timings to give you a relative indication of the time taken by the startup phases and it also provides you with the option to compare it with your own Windows startup. Just be aware that there are several reasons why your relative timings may be considerably different to mine.

Icons highlight key issues

I have included icons to highlight various topics of interest so you can scan the detail more easily.

32-bit and 64-bit Windows have some significant differences:
32 applies to 32-bit Windows only.
64 applies to 64-bit Windows only.

Where the startup feature was changed from Windows Vista:
 7  indicates a new feature for Windows 7.

On the very few occasions where the Windows Edition is relevant:
 Δ  indicates differences between Windows Editions.

If you are troubleshooting then look for these icons:
 !  indicates a known troubleshooting issue.
 !  indicates a critical process (processes set this status themselves) which can crash or halt Windows if it fails.
 §  provides information on diagnostic tools and their output.  
 ∞  indicates a process that normally runs until Windows stops.

How to view and print the larger tables and diagrams

I am trying to pack a lot of information into some of the tables and diagrams so they look better in a display that is 1600 pixels wide. If your display is smaller, particularly if it is below 1200 pixels wide, then you can use the 'Printer-friendly view' to remove the sidebars so you can read them more easily.

The diagrams are not digital images such as bitmaps or vector-based drawings. They are only HTML characters and HTML/CSS formatting. This means that you may have to change your web browser settings:

  • Set the page encoding to Unicode or Auto-detect so the arrows and other symbols are visible.
  • Set the page or print settings to print the background colours and table borders. For example, in Firefox this is under the Menu | Page Setup dialog | "Format and Options" tab | "Print background color (colors & images)" checkbox.

In the tables I have placed a blank line between each filename and registry key to keep them separate. Where a registry key is too long to fit in one line of a table then I have also inserted line breaks to break it up. 


What you should know

Kernel mode has to start before User mode

You should understand that Windows has two modes of operation which largely determine the sequence of startup activities:

  • User mode is what we work with. It runs our applications programs on top of layers of services and subsystems that are mainly provided by the Windows Kernel mode.
  • Kernel mode sits between the hardware and our application programs, supervises the running of the computer, and provides subsystems and services for User-mode programs to use. Kernel mode startup roughly corresponds to the time that the "Starting Windows" splash screen is displayed.

User mode depends upon Kernel mode so the Windows Kernel has to be loaded first and only later in the startup process are the User-mode sub-systems and services loaded. During Kernel-mode startup there is very little for you to see apart from the Starting Windows screen. During User-mode startup the logon screen and the desktop screens are almost always visible.

Windows does some things to spread the startup load

Windows startup processing is more sequential at the start and becomes more parallel. An important attribute of this division is that Kernel mode is mainly sequential because there are many dependent processes and prerequisites. So the Kernel-mode sub-systems are largely built up in a specific order. Whereas User mode is a virtual explosion of processes spawning other processes and almost always running in parallel because most of the dependencies are incorporated in the Kernel mode.

Windows also has ReadyBoot and prefetch to ensure that needed components are ready to memory when needed to load or start.

To maintain responsiveness, Windows delays the starting of many programs. Services and drivers good examples of this:

  • Boot start and system start drivers start during the kernel-mode phase.
  • Auto start and on demand services start later in the user-mode when the Service Control Manager (SCM) is running.
  • Some services have a delayed-start attribute or have dependencies so SCM delays their start until 2 minutes after the SCM starts. In the meantime, other startup processes like user logon have started more quickly.

Critical processes must keep running

Windows has many critical processes that cause Windows to crash if they fail. That is unless Windows has booted in debugging mode in which case the debugger will appear:

  • System process for the Kernel (NTOSKrnl.exe)  ! 
  • The Session Manager Sub-System (SMSS.exe)  ! 
  • Client Server Runtime Sub-System (CSRSS.exe)  ! 
  • Windows Logon (WinLogon.exe)  ! 
  • Windows Init (WinInit.exe)  ! 
  • Windows Logon User Interface Host (LogonUI.exe) for RDP only  ! 
  • Local Security Authority Process (lsass.exe)  ! 
  • Service Control Manager (Services.exe)  ! 
  • Service Host (svchost.exe) with RPCSS or Dcom/PnP  ! 
  • Desktop Window Manager (DWM.exe)  ! 
  • plus other optional processes such as performance monitoring  !  or Internet Information Server (ISS)  ! 

In practice it is possible to engineer Windows to start without many of these processes but this is not something that the average user should be considering.


Computer Startup


Startup flowchart

Diagram 1 is a simple flowchart of the major programs that control the sequence of a normal Windows startup. There are many more essential programs that are initialised and run by these programs. I didn't include any of them although many are listed in the more detailed startup steps later in this article.

This diagram matches Diagram 2, 'Phases of Windows Startup for immediate logon'. The colors here largely match the Boot Phase scheme in Diagram 2. As do the times on the left which startup trace times in seconds. Until the user logon screen appears at 35.8 seconds, this diagram also matches Diagram 3, 'Phases of Windows Startup for a delayed logon'.


Diagram 1 - An overview of Windows startup


Firmware boot

    Windows Boot Manager


    Windows OS Loader
WinLoad.exe  ! 


        Kernel & Kernel-Mode
NTOSKrnl.exe  ! 
0.2s to


        Session Manager Sub-System
SMSS.exe  ! 
11.2s to
      Non-interactive session 0 instance
SMSS.exe  ! 
15.3s to
      Client-Server Runtime Sub-System
CSRSS.exe  ! 
15.3s to
      Interactive session 1 instance
SMSS.exe  ! 
17.0s to
      Windows Initialization
WinInit.exe  ! 
17.0s to
      Client-Server Runtime Sub-System
CSRSS.exe  ! 
17.1s to
  Services Control Manager
17.4s to  ∞ 
  Local Security Authority Sub-System
LSASS.exe  ! 
17.7s to
  Local Session Manager
17.7s to  ∞ 


            Windows Logon
WinLogon.exe  ! 
17.7s to


        Logon User Interface
20.1s to logon


        User logon  


            User Initialization


            Windows Explorer
54s to logoff



        Windows startup is complete but boot start services usually continue to load.    


            User startup is complete when there is no startup disk activity for 10 seconds.


Important points to note:

  • The three processes started by WinInit - SCM, LSASS and LSM - all start about the same time (17.4 and 17.7 seconds) as WinLogon (17.7 seconds) but I have chosen to separate them to emphasize the separation of non-interactive and interactive sessions.
  • Some processes end when they pass control to the next process in the flowchart. But most processes continue to run for longer and many run until Windows is shutdown - I've indicated these with the infinity icon ( ∞ ): NTOSKrnl, SMSS, CSRSS, SCM, LSASS, LSM, WinLogon.
    Explorer would also be in this list except that it only runs when a user logs on to an interactive session.
  • I have indicated critical processes ( ! ) that must run so Windows will run. You will notice that the processes that interact directly with users (LogonUI and Explorer) are not critical so if they fail they do not automatically crash Windows.
  • Much of the time until the user logon screen (LogonUI) appears looks like it is spent starting the Session Manager (SCM) and creating the non-interactive and interactive sessions. But this is also the time when many kernel-mode sub-systems, the Windows APIs and the registry are also starting.


Booting your computer

For the sake of completeness I include this section as an overview of the process that takes place when you turn on your computer but before Windows is started. It won't be discussed again in the more detailed discussion of Windows startup.

[show-hide toggle]


The Windows Boot Manager

The Windows Boot Manager, bootmgr.exe, reads the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) to determine the installed versions of Windows and what there startup options are. The Boot Manager can display a boot menu but I am describing the simplest startup process so those options are not discussed here. It is also not timed so it is not included in discussions of the example trace.

Boot Manager locates the Boot Configuration Data (BCD)

There remains one distinction which is where the Boot Manager locates the BCD:

  • The BIOS locates the configuration in "\Boot\BCD" on the system volume.
  • The EFI locates the configuration in the "\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\" directory on the EFI system partition.

Boot Manager locates the Boot Status Data Log (BootStat.dat)

There are boot status data logs for the Boot Manager and for each installed version of Windows. The Boot Manager log is BootStart.dat in the Windows directory or the \Boot directory of the system partition. This location can be set in the BCD.

If the previous start failed then the Boot Manager displays its boot menu. As I'm not looking at failed starts this is not discussed here.

Boot Manager runs any boot-time utilities

The Boot Manager can run utility programs to diagnosis problems or to perform maintenance. The Microsoft memory tester, memtest.exe, is probably the most useful example.

Boot Manager displays a boot menu if required

The Boot Manager also displays a boot menu if more than one option is to be presented to the user. Again, I am not discussing this feature.


Make sense of the Windows startup phases


There are several schemes for describing startup phases

The starting point for the following discussion of Windows startup is after the Windows Boot Manager, bootmgr.exe, has been loaded and control has been passed from the computer firmware, whether it was the BIOS or UEFI. Up until the point where the Windows Boot Manager hands over control to the Windows Loader there is no record of the time.

Form this point there are several ways of describing the Windows startup phases. You may find that the differing intervals and terminology are a hindrance when either reading articles about Windows startup or trying to interpret the diagnostic results from various tools. The remainder of this section illustrates the similarities and differences between these schemes before I discuss the startup components in more detail.


Startup phase schemes

Here is a description of each category used in Diagrams 2 & 3. You could say that they move from user-oriented on the left to more technical on the right but really only the first category is accessible to most users.

Visible to Users is what you see on your screen. These events normally occur some time after the start of the interval.

Boot Time is used in the Windows Event Manager and those statistics are available at any time.

Windows Focus indicates the process that is currently awaiting input and is usually visible. Focus is the graphical equivalent of the text-based cursor.

Boot Interval is used in the Boot Phase analysis of Windows Performance Analysis (WPA) when summarizing trace data provided by Windows Performance Recorder (WPR). It is very similar to the Boot Phase analysis which is different only in that the Pre Session interval is divided into the OS Loader and Kernel-mode initialization.

Boot Phase is widely used in Microsoft tutorials on analysing Windows startup. It is probably the most useful to understand simply because it is often used to describe what is happens when you delve more deeply into Windows startup.

The Drivers & Services category, as I've called it, is focused on kernel mode Plug and Play (PnP) Manager which loads devices and drivers in three main phases which correspond to the three categories of devices and drivers:

  • BootStart devices and drivers are those that are run before the Windows Kernel mode is completely running.
  • SystemStart devices and drivers are those that are run when the supporting Windows Kernel-mode components are running.
  • AutoStart devices and drivers are all those that are started for user sessions.
  • The remainder are OnDemand devices and drivers. They are run when they are required so they are not part of the startup phases.


What happens when we logon immediately or use auto logon

Diagram 2, "Phases of Windows Startup - immediate logon", approximates what happens when I logon immediately the prompt appears, i.e. within 10 seconds. There is now no separation of the user logon activities from the system startup activities and the phase overlaps change.

I say the timings are approximate because under normal circumstances Windows startup changes every time it runs. Not only does Windows optimize the startup process but a slight delay in one process can cascade further delays to other activities. In practice that is exactly what happened. For some reason the MachinePolicyApplication was delayed 1.178 seconds and Windows generated an Event 107 record so I could see this in Event Viewer.


Diagram 2 - Phases of Windows Startup - immediate logon
Start Time
to Users
Boot Time1 Windows
Boot Interval Boot Phase Drivers & Services


Blank screen



Pre Session
(Pre SMSS Init)

OS Loader










'Starting Windows'
























Session Init
(SMSS Init)







Winlogon Init




Blank screen just before logon







 Logon appears [Logon immediately in 10 seconds]







User logs on;
'Welcome' message



Explorer Init

Explorer Initialization



Desktop is visible and usable in 5 seconds



Post Boot

Post Boot






Trace tail3











Startup disk activity stops 10 seconds earlier










Trace ends



1 TotalBootTime = MainPathBootTime + BootPostBootTime. BootPostBootTime doesn't follow the usual naming convention because that would have led to PostBootBootTime and they obviously didn't like the repetition of boot.

2 Technically, there can be no focus until the graphical user interface (GUI) appears.
3 The Trace Tail is not coloured because it is not part of a normal startup. It runs from the the end of the Post Boot Phase to the end of the trace.


What happens when we don't logon immediately

If you don't logon the first time you are prompted then you allow the system startup activities to complete more quickly. There isn't much change in the startup phases and the number of steps remains the same. The major difference is that the BootPostBootTime and the auto_start driver initialization both finish before you start logon. The obvious advantage is that when you logon you will avoid waiting for other startup activities to finish so your system is more responsive right from when the desktop appears.


Diagram 3 - Phases of Windows Startup - delayed logon
Start Time
to Users
Boot Time1 Windows
Boot Interval Boot Phase Drivers & Services


Blank screen



Pre Session
(Pre SMSS Init)

OS Loader










'Starting Windows'
























Session Init
(SMSS Init)







Winlogon Init




Blank screen just before logon







Logon appears








[Delay logon 20 minutes = 1,200 seconds]






User logs on;
'Welcome' message



Explorer Init

Explorer Initialization



Desktop is usable



Post Boot

Post Boot



Startup disk activity stops 10 seconds earlier



Trace Trail2







Trace ends



1 Again, the TotalBootTime = MainPathBootTime + BootPostBootTime but it is now about 18 seconds shorter than in Diagram 2 due to some of the user logon activities being delayed because I didn't log on for 20 minutes.

2 The Trace Trail runs from the end of the Post Boot activities to the end of the boot trace that I setup to record Windows startup activities.


Other startup phase timings

There are other useful startup phases that I didn't include in Diagrams 2 & 3 these are single phases that focus on one startup process:

Services Autostart which is when most Windows services start to load just before Explorer is initialized until just before PostBoot Activity starts. In delayed logon that is from 18.9 to 49.9 seconds and it is not much different for immediate logon.

It is worth noting that various activities started and stopped while I was delayed my login. In an immediate logon they would not be included as they are configured to run after the Windows startup process. The longest delay was for Adobe Flash Player Update Service which ran 900 seconds (15 minutes) after Services Autostart ended.

ReadyBoot, the Windows startup prefetcher (prefetch gets items before they are needed), optimizes the loading of Windows components from disk drives. ReadyBoot uses the easily-confused ReadyBoost caching driver. These are turned off if your disk drive is fast enough, for example, if it is a solid-state drive (SSD). In the example, ReadyBoot in delayed logon runs from 2.1 to 102 seconds, finishing just before Session Initialization. It runs slightly longer at 105 seconds for immediate logon because there are more activities running at the same time.


FAQ: Answers to more questions about Windows startup

Where does the kernel run?

The kernel mode runs in the system process On every started Windows system there are two permanent processes that must be running:

  • Idle is always process 0 which is used when the processor has nothing to process
  • System is always process 4 which includes most of the kernel mode threads and only kernel-mode subsystems. This process owns all system threads but take note that device drivers can create system threads in any process.

Why can't I find a service?

Services can have three different names which can confuse you:

  • The process name which is most visible
  • The registry name which is used internally
  • The display name visible in the Services Administration Tool. If this is blank then it defaults to the registry name.

How does running with lower privileges affect startup?

The answer to this question will be added in a later update.

What difference does the Windows edition make to startup?

Remember this article only looks at Windows 7.

Client versus server versions

Desktops need fast desktop response times so interactive users are not waiting. Whereas servers generally need high performance for the applications but have little need to respond quickly to interactive users. That's why desktop and server versions are optimized differently and have different specifications particularly the limits for CPUs, memory and storage.

You can determine the edition by looking in the registry to see some of the supported features. The product policy details are a copy of Tokens.dat.

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions\ProductType =
Client, WINNT
ServerL ServerNT, LANMan.NT


Related Links

Microsoft references:

  • The Windows Internals book doesn't specifically look at Windows startup but it does look at the mechanisms involved in many aspects of startup. The 6th Edition looks at Windows 7 and the two volumes are cheap at the moment because the next edition which covers Windows 8 should be available later in 2014.

Back to the top of the article.


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Anyone noticed that win 7 (Pro 32bit) is getting painfully slow to start up in the last month or two ?
I wouldn't be surprised if MS updates are slightly crippling/handicapping W7 to encourage us to upgrade to W10
PS I don't run Reg Cleaners, optimizers, etc, and I avoid having software auto start with windows

That scenario is extremely unlikely particularly when there are many far more likely reasons for slow startup. Bugs during startup are a common cause: a bug in an update particularly if it affects system restore point; a bug in a device driver; a bug in a service; etc. Many problems cause time-outs which mean that your system can be sitting around waiting for a response until a threshold is passed and the system records an error/warning.

The first thing to do is to find out what the actual boot time is, then compare it with earlier boot times and see where the slow down occurs.

The article How to Use Event Viewer to Find Your PC’s Boot Time is for Windows 7 but it works almost exactly the same for Windows 8 and 10. Just note that when you double-click an event to view its properties then you can select the Details tab to see many of the startup times discussed in this article.

P.S. Now that this article has been split, I have space to extend the article with some details about this sort of issue.

This was one of the largest articles at Gizmo's Freeware and it has long needed to be divided into two smaller articles. Now that task is complete, I should be able to complete some additions and improvements which couldn't be applied last time I tried.


Good article - any plans to hash one out for 8.1/10 as well?

I want to but I haven't had a large enough block of free time. I haven't even had the time to finish adding detail to this article. With the imminent release of Windows 10 and the free upgrade offer, I might skip Windows 8 anyway.

I loved the articles. I have a question though. Is there a program you can install or run from CD/DVD/usb to tell you each step and file, dll, everything that is going on from the mbr to the final boot up sequence of logging in to a network after logon. Then run wireshark to test the network connection. Possibly airsnort /nmap/wirecat, etc..
Any information is greatly appreciated.

I'm no expert on boot debugging for Windows but here's what I do know:

Third-party hardware debugging products for x86 and x64 computers install a separate board. These give you the earliest debugging control in the boot process.

See Microsoft's article on Windows debugging tools for an overview of debugging software. You can debug using software running on the same computer or on a different computer.

To start debugging from the boot loader you change the boot parameters as described in Tools for Changing Boot Options for Driver Testing and Debugging particularly changing the boot parameters and BCDEdit options You need to enable kernel-mode debugging if you want to see what is happening in the kernel-mode startup phase. I have been using Windows startup traces which do not provide sufficient kernel-mode detail.

You should have no problems starting wireshark and many other diagnostics while Windows debugging is operating.

You deserve the rave reviews you're getting.
I have browsed and will return. Probably frequently. More eyeballs for Gizmo Ad revenue ;)

I'm sure you dont mind if i point out some minor typos:

in "Services Autostart" you say 49,9 using a comma as the decimal point; you use . all other places.

In the note 2 for diagram 3, you say "12 shorter longer". I'm guessing that's supposed to be 12 seconds shorter.

Not only am i impressed at your windows knowledge, and communication skills, i'm impressed with your html table diagrams. I browsed the html source--they're an engineering accomplishment in themselves ;)

I even like your &inf; (&inf;) symbol.

One trivial suggestion: i think making a background for the inf char would highlight that. I feel like i'd like that to stand out when i view diagram 1.

I like your html icons, too. That's just cool to me. 90% of the time those would be little .jpgs or .pngs or .gifs.

Speaking of those, i did not see any of these 2 (unless i missed them)
"§ provides information on diagnostic tools and their output."
"![yellow] indicates a known troubleshooting issue."

I was looking forward to those.

Thanks for all the time and detail!

Thanks very much for picking up on my errors which are easy for me to miss. :)

I've started using HTML text diagrams to speed-up page load times by having a smaller overall size and fewer http calls with fewer images. I need to do this because my articles are much longer and more complex than most on this site. This article needs to be reduced in size, or split in two, before I can add more detail. HTML text diagrams do take much longer to plan and create but mean that I can amend them very quickly rather than having to modify a vector-graphic diagram, export it to a PNG file, and upload it to this site.

I would prefer to use vector-graphic diagrams but there is inconsistent support for this in web browsers particularly on mobile platforms.

Two web pages that are useful for HTML text are:

  • The World Wide Web (W3) Consortium HTML character entity reference which shows characters that all web browsers should display correctly.
  • HTML color references such as ComputerHope.Com's color reference list. I am considering changing the background for the infinity character.

It might be useful to indicate which processes run as long as Windows does but most of them are critical processes anyway. ... OK, I'll do it.

The diagnostic and troubleshooting icons are not visible unless you click on the "show more..." buttons to display the more detailed startup steps:

 §  (white on purple) is used fourteen time mainly where I've included many of the boot trace variable names.

 !  (black on yellow) is used seven times.

 Δ  (white on blue) which indicates differences between Windows editions is used once in Table 8 - Local Security Authority SubSystem: LSASS.exe.

P.S. I haven't forgotten about your comment on the Deeper into the Registry article. I've been busy on these startup articles.


Added two diagrams, 4 & 5, which discuss the components of Windows kernel-mode and user-mode respectively. Remah - category editor
I had to remove those diagrams to a separate article because this article has got too big: Windows 7 Components for Startup

I applaud the time, effort and dedication it took to write this article in such detailed depth. If it were possible I would rate it at 10 stars!

Excellent article, but the text explaining UserInit, which prefixes table 13, is a repeat of the text that explains LSM--an incorrect copy and paste, I guess.

Oops! Thanks for picking that up for me. It is now fixed plus I've added Diagram 1 as an overview on the main startup sequence.

You have a remarkable facility for explaining things with a clarity and in a manner that even someone like me who is not an advanced user, can understand. That is quite a gift. Thanks for sharing it.

Beautiful piece of work!
I'm looking forward to the charts so I can follow along with my finger and talk to myself while tracing the whole process from start to finish!
Great work!

Yup, am pretty slow reading stuff. :D I'm gonna read one sub-section every day.

Thanks for a great, clearly written and nicely illustrated primer. Can't wait to digest it... slowly. :)

Ye Gods: the amount of effort, time, care and thoughtfulness that went into this particular article is. . . astonishing. Very, very VERY well done, Remah. As George J has already said, definitely a 5-star contribution -- and one that sets a whole new standard in this kind of comprehensive and informative reportage. MANY THANKS!!

Thanks. There's more work to come as there's more startup detail to go into the tables, an example of startup timings for a default user, a diagram to make the startup flow easier to visualize, and further optimization of the layout and content.
Thanks for a great article. Worth 5 stars :)
This article will have further detail added including trace details and an overview diagram. Leave a comment and let me know what works or not for you. Remah - Editor
An awesome article Remah that filled in the blanks on a few things I was not certain of, nice one mate.