Reduce Printing Costs by Choosing the Correct Font


Reduce the amount of printer ink you use (and save trees) using the information in this useful article. tested two printers to see if the font that you choose can decrease printing costs. The short answer is yes, since some fonts use more ink to print than others. Using common fonts that ship with most computers, they found that Century Gothic and Times new Roman use the least ink. I often use the 'draft' or 'fast normal' setting on my printer for most of my printing, that saves even more ink. Check out the article here:

Reduce printing Costs by Choosing The Correct Font Type

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What a fantastic article! I have always grumbled about printing costs and the cost of new replacement cartridges, which seemed to me to be nothing but a rip-off. And I have always used Trebuchet because the font gives a darker read, while most other fonts give one a light-gray read. So here I was, using the worst font for printing costs. I am now changing to Century Gothic, thanks to you! A great article, and the testing of fonts regarding use of ink, a great idea! To lower costs, I long ago took to refilling my empty cartridges, without experiencing any sort of problem. Thank you.

I'm happy you found the information useful. If your printer has a draft mode, using that will use less ink as well. :)