This Powerful Note Taking App Is Now Free to Use


Notion note taking app

Notion is an all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases that's now free for personal use

Notion can be used to take notes, organize data and projects, plan, outline, and collaborate using tools like tables, lists, galleries, calendars, and notebooks. All in one place – no need to switch tabs or windows.

Some features you’ll find in Notion:
• Add notes and documents in hierarchies
• Add images, lists, bookmarks, videos, sound, & code snippets
• Embed video from websites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter
• Manage to-do lists
• Create databases
• Add tasks, tags and reminders
• Manage projects
• Create wikis
• Markdown support
• Drag and drop
• Dark mode
• Team collaboration
• Code highlighting for major programming languages
• Sync data between all your devices (free)
• Import from Google Docs, Word, Dropbox, Trello, Asana, Quip, Workflowy, HTML, CSV, Text and Markdown
• Connect Google Drive, Evernote, Trello and Asana accounts
• Easily import all or individual notes from Evernote (if you have a lot of notes, it can take a while)

There are plenty of templates for personal and business use, or you can create a template of your own for standard or repetitive functions. There are templates for resumes, wedding planning, job applications, blogs, meal planning, and more. For business and educational use there are templates for meeting notes, mood boards, product wikis, lesson plans, course schedule, class directory, Cornell Notes System, budgets, and more.

Notion isn’t a replacement for Evernote. Notion is closer to an organizing, note taking and productivity tool. It's versatile, with a clutter and distraction free interface. It has many useful featuress in addition to taking notes, and allows collaboration and sharing.

Notion works as a web app, can be downloaded for Windows and Mac, and has Android and iOS apps. The Windows version is malware free according to Virus Total.

Go to Notion

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I am 78, and my memory stopped working about 18 years ago.
I am retired but still do VB6 programming for a hobby, and also share that (VB6 programs), and technical help (Windows computers) with friends/neighbors.
I would be absolutely cactus, without a good note taking program.
I use RightNote, and love it.
Each file, has Tabs, with a tree structure in each Tab
In addition you can have shortcuts to all of your files, in the Toolbar along the top.
Thus with a single running instance of RightNote, you can -
- Navigate to any of your files
- Within a file you can navigate between Tabs
- Within a tab, you can navigate to any Subject, using the Tree structure
- Any Subject can have children
What more could a man ask for ?

Here you can see the features that are present in their free version -

I haven't come across that program (that I remember), I'll have a look at it, thank you.

I enjoy reading your announcements and frequently find gems of useful freeware. That being said, your headline tells us that Notion is "now free to use". When I went to the Notion website, I found the same freemium restrictions that the app has had for years. I would have appreciated an acknowledgement that, while Notion is a nice and useful app, nothing there is new.

Glad you find some things useful.
I agree with MC. I spent 5 hours testing and researching that site before I wrote it up, created graphics and posted the article, which added another hour or so.
I would greatly appreciate it if people would do a little homework before posting something inaccurate about something I've written. Simply scrolling down their main page or checking their pricing page before making a comment here would have cleared up the issue.

As far as Notion goes, I signed up for a free personal account and tested the features before I wrote anything about the site.
The main page says free for personal use if you scroll down the page. I've attached a screenshot (below) from this URL so you can see what it looks like.

I'm not sure why your getting that message but here's their pricing, you can see the Personal plan is free.

You may sign up for a free personal plan at this link, they state the personal plan is free directly above box for email to create an account:


It's always polite to check your statements before directing criticism towards our volunteer editors who give their time freely to add content to this site. Please review the Notion statement dated May, 19th 2020. MC - Site Manager.

My apologies, my account at Notion still has the following note:

"Upgrade to go unlimited
This workspace has used 208 of its 1000 block storage limit (21%)."

I assume that is no longer operative, and I will have to take it up with Notion.

Thank you. :)

I found the information that plans were unlimited when I was searcing for plan limits (seems like there's always some limitation), the only limitation I could find is the ability to share with no more than 5 guests. This is the announcement from them:

Not sure why your account is still showing limits. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I notice you say "Notion isn’t a replacement for Evernote" ... can you expand on that? What's missing? It looks like it has stuff that Evernote doesn't, like a database? Thanks :)

Evernote is better at adding information of all sorts from around the web. It has a scanner and supports a more file types. It's interface is less user friendly and cluttered since it's been adding features piecemeal over the years.

Notion is stonger at organization. It supports long form structured notes that can be nested and placed in hierarchies (great if you like to structure notes).

Notion has database and table support (think Google Docs + Google Sheets), code highlighting, allows comments insides notes, & has great collaboration/sharing features. It has more expansive editing, you can write in Markdown, use keyboard shortcuts, and switch views. It has a gallery view for photos and videos.

Notion syncs all your devices for free and offers all features free for personal use. Evernote has paid plans to access features other than note taking. As far as I can tell, there are no limits on things like note sizes or uploading and adding material. Evernote's free plan has a 60MB limit.
Notion has a page showcasing uses here:

Both are great for note taking. Evernote is a mature product and is focused on note taking.
Notion launched in 2016 as a more fully featured product with an emphasis on creating and organizing information.

It's actively developed and responsive to community requested features

Both are good products, using one or the other is more a matter of what you need.

Thanks Rhiannon!!! What a great summary. I had a play with it, and was still a little confused, so your summary was really useful to me!! I have used Evernote for 8 years and really couldn't live without it these days (over 9000 notes), and I'm excited to see what Notion can add to the mix. THanks!

You're so welcome. There are probably other features and differences, those are what I noted when I was testing Notion. I've used Evernote for years. I like both.