PC Crashed Recently? This Free Program Will Tell You Why


Crash dump analyzer logoWhen Windows crashes, it creates various memory dump files and other diagnostics to help Microsoft and other interested parties discover the cause. As a user, it can be difficult to find that information and to decipher it, so you probably just press the restart button on your machine and then resume where you left off. But with a little detective work, you can piece together the details of what happened, and which piece of software has been causing blue-screen crashes on your computer.

"Who Crashed" is a clever Windows program which can do all of that detective work for you. It'll scan your PC in search of tell-tale signs, such as crash dump files and registry entries which programs and device drivers leave when they crash. You can then remove those programs or drivers, even temporarily, to see if your system becomes more stable.

Who Crashed is available from http://www.resplendence.com/whocrashed and a new updated version has just been released. It's now compatible with Windows 10, as well as earlier versions. And for home use, it's completely free.

The file is a 2 MB download. The program is malware-free according to VirusTotal and Web of Trust.

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Thanks rob and BillK! I used nirsoft BlueScreenView but nice to have another option, and I didnt know about LastActivityView. Downloaded both.

Nice program! I have had a couple Blue Screens lately and this program worked great! Read the dump files in about 2 sec and gave me the report. The report is easy to read but not overly technical. Google is your friend (sometimes). Thanks for posting this program it is very handy to have.

LastActivityView from Nirsoft also tells you what was going on before the crash.

LastActivityView is a tool for Windows operating system that collects information from various sources on a running system, and displays a log of actions made by the user and events occurred on this computer.

It keeps asking me to scroll down the information window ..... but there is none as far as I can see :|
Maybe only available IF there REALLY was a crash ? :|