Organize Your Desktop With Stardock Fences For Windows (only available as a paid version, free version discontinued).

Update: Fences is now a paid program with a free trial. If you want to try it out you'll need to submit and email address and a download link will be sent to that address.
Thanks to rikishi19 for pointing this out. =)

Need to corral those desktop icons? Try this free program from Stardock.

I’ve been using Fences for Windows for about a month now. Normally I don’t like anything on my desktop. No icons, just whatever wallpaper I’m using. To test drive Fences, I added some icons to my desktop, downloaded Fences, and started using it. I like it. A lot.
I found this excellent article from Scott Hanselman about Fences. He does a great job of explaining how Fences works and how he uses it. Since it’s a very clear explanation, I’ll send you along to his site. :)

Herding Cats: Organize your Desktop Icons with Stardock Fences for Windows



Have fun,

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