Just Delete Me: How To Delete Your Accounts From 350+ Web Services


Just Delete Me makes removing yourself (or an account) from the internet a whole lot easier. It's a directory of links to delete your account from the web services it lists - at the moment, over 350 web services such as Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, etc. The links go directly to the web service site (directly to the account deletion page, if available). Services are marked either easy, medium, hard or impossible depending on how difficult it is to delete that account.
Easy: Simple process
Medium: Some extra steps involved
Hard: Cannot be fully deleted without contacting customer services
Impossible: Cannot be deleted

Many web services on the list have a Show Info box under them that gives additional information on removing an account.

Just Delete Me


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Probably a good idea to check out this site (etal) prior to signing up.

Thanks rhiannon, never used it but this site is similar and I had it bookmarked.. https://www.accountkiller.com/en/

I have that site bookmarked as well. :)