The Ideal Complement To Your Existing Security Software


I've recently been trying out a new (to me, anyway) piece of PC security software called Voodoo Shield. It aims to warn you if a program or web site is trying to install any new software or component without your knowledge. And my results seem to suggest that it actually does a very good job.

When you first install Voodoo Shield it takes a quick inventory of all the installed software on your computer, including browser add-ins and anything else that could be regarded as a program. This only takes a few seconds. Once this is done, the program sits quietly in the background waiting for you to open a web browser. As soon as you do, VS springs into action and watches to see if any new program is about to be installed on your PC. If this happens, it blocks it by default. You don't have to do anything, except to click on the warning message if you're sure you want to allow the installation. Assuming you don't (and you probably don't), just carry on surfing, safe in the knowledge that Voodoo Shield has just protected your PC.

Voodoo Shield works happily alongside your existing antivirus software so there's nothing to uninstall. The program is a 4 MB download from and is malware-free according to VirusTotal and Web of Trust.

Note that the current version doesn't support the Edge browser on Windows 10, but this is presumably on its way (there's a new release currently in beta). Otherwise, it seems to work very well. The screen shot shows me (on my test PC) clicking on a video player plugin that's clearly designed to look like an Official Adobe add-in, which Voodoo Shield correctly identified and blocked.

Although VS costs $19.99 per year, the basic version (which does everything I've described so far) is free for non-commercial use.

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Think VoodooShield deserves another round of attention.

In combo with Windows Defender and VoodooShield's latest 5.02 version suites me just fine (talking basic free level of course).

Tried Voodoo Shield on your first pointing it out. As far as I can tell, it missed a lot of not well known programs *all ready on* my Win 7 64-bit and kept preventing them from running without giving me any warning of any sort. After I deleted it (quite throughly) all of these problems went away and everything was as it had been.

I used this for around a week and deleted...It was stopping to many things and I found it unnecessary anyway..Sometimes we can get too many wonderful downloads, and find we aren't really improving.

Even though I've been using a PC for decades I'm still unsure whether or not a new piece of software such as Voodoo Shield is needed. My security software consists of Avast Internet Security, Malwarebytes Anti-malware and Anti-Exploit, SuperAntiSpyware and WinPatrol.

So, would I really get any additional benefit by installing Voodoo Shield or am fairly well protected already?

Just asking for a basic reply thanks, nothing too technical.


Avast should do the job by itself if you have it configured to detect programs that attempt a hijack. I use that and the SuperAntiSpyware (although the free version of that will not alert you to real time threats). I think the Voodoo benefits are marginal and if you do a lot of installing and un-installing of programs as I do you will have to constantly inform Voodoo as to what is allowed.

Thanks for that information. It makes me feel more confident that I'm doing the right thing. I look at a lot of software and occasionally Malwarebytes pops up to block Open Candy but the others are always quiet.

Thanks again.


All the Gizmo recommended anti-virus programs should prevent rogue programs from hijacking your computer so this application is redundant in that respect. The free version of Voodoo doesn't have adjustable user settings but includes those nag screens we all love so much. Think I'll take a pass on this one.

Thanks Rob !
another nice freebie to add to my defence tool kit.
I haven't installed it yet but will do so later on today.
Can you tell me if it has any significant effects on system resources ?