How To Switch from LastPass to Bitwarden Password Manager


LastPass to Bitwarden

LastPass is making changes to its free plan, here’s how to switch from LastPass to Bitwarden.

Next month LastPass users with a free account will be limited to synchronizing data to one type of device.
Currently you can sync data between computers and mobile devices. After March, you will be able to sync computer to computer, or mobile to mobile, on the free plan.

If you’re looking for an alternative, we recommend Bitwarden, it's our top pick for Best Free Password Manager.

Changing from LastPass to Bitwarden isn’t difficult. Check How To Change From LastPass To Bitwarden for step by step directions. Note that LastPass data is exported as a .csv file - Windows and Mac computers will have no issues but Android users will need to use a PC or Mac.

Note that Android versions of both apps have trackers. They appear benign, but tracking of any sort in a password app may not be what you want. Find out more here: Password Manager Privacy: How To Disable LastPass Tracking

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Has anybody else had issues exporting to a csv files?

I have tried for a couple weeks, nothing happens, just a blank window.


I was interested to read Jim Hillier's article about exportng the Lastpass vault to a .csv file to import nto Bitwarden as I needed to do this myself. However, the main problem is there is no mention this is only valid for windows based systems and is not in anyway valid for Android as after spending 2hrs online with technical support they admitted that you can not export within Android you have to scrounge access to someone else's windows PC. So a ,point I thought well worth mentioning in your article as you have about trackers

Thanks, I've updated the article. :)

When I received the notification from LastPass, began searching alternatives and found Bitwarden, Thought I ought to check Gizmo to see what you're recommending and the first thing I saw was this article. Good work.
By the way, every time I visit your site lately, I'm BOMBARDED WITH SPAM (POSSIBLY MALWARE) POPUPS. Wonder if others are experiencing the same issue.


Same here. UBlock origin also pops up and shows possible bad site{for popups origin) and gives me the option of
permanently blocking, which I did. Hope it works.

Thanks for the confirmation.
Rhiannon: Are you folks aware of this?

The popups are generated by our ad server. Our control over what is presented is pretty limited but we’ve done what we can to regulate the content. Unfortunately this is a necessary part of our existence since without the income generated from the ad content we would already be offline. MC - Site Manager.

Understood, if it's just advertising.
But the popups requesting signups and downloads have the characteristics of malicious stuff which might actually turn traffic away from your site.

One of those popups was especially egregious as it stated "Your adobe flash player may be out of date. Download latest version here". The other I
recall asks to download an unidentified app with no description or origin.

Good Day - I was interested in this freeware so I looked it up. I will not say whether it is good or bad, however, I will mention a couple of things that I didn't realize. First, Bitwarden is connected to MS cloud which is hosted on their Microsoft Azure servers. Next, because it is connected to MS it is part of The Five Eyes (FVEY).
The rest I leave up to you to search.

LastPass is also storing the vaults on US and EU servers which are also part of the same FVEY.
- Bitwarden is open source you can check the source yourself
- Bitwarden gives you the option to run the server yourself on your own personal machines. They make it very simple using docker images for instance.
- Birtwaden self hosting also means that you can setup your servers on your intranet and force synchronizations to only happen on your own secured networks (dedicated secured VLAN unroutable from the rest of your intranet and/or public internet, even a secured wifi in an airgap room for phones)