How to Cancel Online Accounts the Easy Way


Have you ever wanted to drop some online newsletter or service but found it hard to figure out how to cancel and remove your account? It is very common for cancelling a service to be a lot more involved than signing up. Sometimes it takes a major hunt to find out how to remove your account.

JustDeleteMeHunt no more. Cancelling an account has been made much easier by a website called It lists hundreds of services with a link right to the proper cancellation page for each. It also offers a preview of the cancellation policy of many services. This is worth looking at before you sign up with somebody so you can get an idea of how hard it will be to cancel if you don’t like the service. Also, some services won’t let you delete an account entirely once it is set up – Pinterest and WordPress, for example - something worth knowing.

Click the thumbnail to see an example of part of the page. A post about the site by the owner can be found here

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Very good article on JustDelete(dot)me, always good to have another helping hand in getting out of the grips of Identity Hoarders. I would like to mention a strange thing about their site, if I may.
They have a service on the site for generating a fake identity. Very helpful, if you don't feel like ginning up something yourself. However:

If you read the Bio's they create, (which are supposed to be gibberish to fill in a required box to get into a site, I assume)

There are so many keywords included in those bios which will draw unwanted attention from security agencies darned near anywhere, that I suggest people delete them and make up their own gibberish, instead.

Someone should check with them to ask if they have a purpose for those keywords, like confusing the NSA or GCHQ by making them investigate these false ID's. Who needs to be connected to that?

Anupam, I apologize for not mentioning your article. I am afraid I overlooked it.
No issues there :).

I would also call you attention to accountkiller[dot]com. The format is quite similar to JustDelete; The main advantage is that accountkiller has many more entries, plus a feature that will preview deletion ease before installing a program. A very interesting browse, with a few surprises. Either of these sites is very useful; The only caveat: deletion does not automatically purge your data -- any personal information should be deleted or garbled before attempting deletion.