Free Windows Desktop Software Security List - My Choices

My Choices
Ako's suggested free setup (add as many as you like - from top to bottom):
  • Use a standard account (i.e. no admin rights)
  • Microsoft Defender + Configure Defender (setting "high")
  • Chrome + Microsoft Defender Browser Protection + AdGuarduBlock Origin (medium mode) + LastPass
  • HitmanPro (automatic virus scan during startup)
  • SUMo (updates for installed program)
  • Simple Windows Hardening (hardens build-in features of Windows)
  • VoodooShield (automatic computer lockup during the use of vulnerable applications such as browsers)

Ako's online banking advice:

Use one standard account for ALL everyday use and make another one which is used ONLY for banking. The point is, that if the everyday standard account is infected, the infection is almost always limited to that account. (99% safety guaranteed. This of course requires that you are not yet infected, and don't install malware with administrative rights in the future.)

Highly interesting non-free products

Shadow Defender (lifetime licence)


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