An Easy Way to Check for Unusual Activity in Your Gmail Account


All too frequently these days, we hear about email accounts getting hacked. If somebody is using your email account without your knowledge, how would you know? In the case of Gmail, there is an easy way to check for suspicious activity.

At the bottom of your Gmail inbox, there is an area that says something like this:

Gmail check for activity

If you click on the Details link, a popup window with a log of activity on your Gmail account will appear as shown below.  As you can see, Gmail keeps track of where and when activity occurs. The figure shows the headings of information that are tabulated. From the times and the IPs  of the account activity, you can detect if you aren’t the only one using the account.

Added later: To find out  your own IP , you can use a site like (suggested by Larry G).

Gmail check for activity

Additional information: Gmail help article

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