Add Everything Search to the Windows Taskbar


Everything Toolbar

Add the Everything Search tool to the Windows Taskbar for instant search results.

Everything search engine allows for quick and easy searches across Windows for, well, almost everything. It’s a great replacement for the default Windows search, now you can add it to the Windows taskbar.

We’ve written about search Everything before, it’s a long time Gizmo's favorite. With EverythingToolbar you can add it to the taskbar for easy access.

The EverythingToolbar has several options. You can view results in Files, Folders, or All and there are theme options - light, dark, and medium. The results view can display as compact, compact with details, normal, and normal with details, and there’s an extensive list of sorting options. Regular Expressions, Match Case, Match Path, Match Whole Word can be enabled.

After installation the toolbar appears as a magnifying glass icon on the taskbar. You can click on it and start typing and results will appear almost instantly. The toolbar can be expanded so you can view the text that’s being typed. Click the handle on the side of the icon (it’s two vertical lines close together) and drag it horzontally to widen the box.
Everything needs to be running in the background for the toolbar to work, or no results appear when you search for something.

Directions and details on adding EverythingToolbar to the taskbar are at Tweaks for Geeks:
Want Faster Searches? Add Everything Search To Your Windows Taskbar!

A subsequent search shows a similar article by Martin over at Ghacks. Either one has clear easy to follow directions.
Ghacks: Add Everything Search to the Windows Taskbar for even faster searches

Everything search runs on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows, Windows 7 and Windows XP. It requires .NET Framework 4.7. It’s malware free according to Virus Total, and there’s a portable version.
You can download it here: Everything
(download links are supplied in the articles as well).

If you use Everything search this a nicely done toolbar to add to the taskbar. If you have it on the desktop or pinned to the taskbar you might want to see how the EverythingToolbar compares.

You can find more Tech Treats here.

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I don't need a search tool, just something to help me remember what I'm meant to be looking for. :D Happy Christmas everybody! MC - Site Manager.

I could use a search took to find the things I put "somewhere safe".

To all who celebrate anything this season, our best wishes.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year.

Don't know if UltraSearch adds to the Taskbar, but I stopped using Everything, when I found how fast UltraSearch was

Yup UltraSearch is the one I use. Was an Everything user in the past, but UltraSearch felt faster and had more features. 

I've had Everything pinned totaskbar taskbar for years. This creates a toolbar on the taskbar. I haven't tried UltraSearch in a long time, I'll have tontake another look at it. :)

What am I missing? I can't find the toolbar option.

Thank you.

Me too.

Did you follow the steps to install it using the directions at either of the sites mentioned in the article?
If you're having trouble finding the toolbar after going through the steps outlined at both sites post back and we'll see what we can do. Here's the sites that have the directions that are linked in the article above:

Want Faster Searches? Add Everything Search To Your Windows Taskbar!

Add Everything Search to the Windows Taskbar for even faster searches


Did you follow the steps to install it using the directions at either of the sites mentioned in the article?
If you're having trouble finding the toolbar after going through the steps outlined at both sites post back and we'll see what we can do. Here's the sites that have the directions that are linked in the article above:

Want Faster Searches? Add Everything Search To Your Windows Taskbar!

Add Everything Search to the Windows Taskbar for even faster searches

This is a fantastic find! Thank you!

I'm delighted you like it. :)

I have had this on my taskbar for years. Take some time to find out all it can do

Me too. The toolbar interface is different than pinning the program to the taskbar but it's very well implemented I think. I've been using it for a few weeks and haven't found any hiccups. Nicely done.

If you are installing the 'Everything Toolbar' and come to the step where you need to select 'Explorer.exe' but cannot find it... It's actually called 'Windows Explorer', so scroll further down to 'W', select 'Windows Explorer' and click the 'restart' button and you should be good to go...

Thank you! That is a critical piece of information for me and everyone else who hasn't installed the toolbar before.

Yes, thanks for mentioning it.