Best Free Browser Scrubber



When you browse the web you accumulate a huge amount of stored data. The sheer quantity is surprising; often gigabytes.

Just what is and what isn't junk is a personal decision.

For example, I regard the information stored in my browser's history as a valuable resource, but I know that many see it as clutter. That's why the flexibility to choose exactly what you want to keep or delete is a key requirement.


Rated Products


A clear winner for its customizability, speed, ease of use, thoroughness, portability and the applications it can keep clean

Our Rating: 
License: Free (Limited features)
Thorough cleaning, customizable, fast, easy to use, portable.
Lack of backup.
Read full review...

Comodo System Utilities  

Besides a browser cleaner, it's also a registry cleaner, disk cleaner, secure file wiper and more

Our Rating: 
License: Free (Limited features)
Huge amount of cleaning options with back-up feature.
Could cause problems if used incorrectly.
Read full review...

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Unless I am doing it wrong?? Comodo System Utilities is no longer free. It will scan, but then it ask for you to upgrade to do the cleaning. Please correct me if I am wrong!

I tried the download from here :

and here :

Would someone please explain to me why it is after running latest CCleaner w/ FlashPlayer selected and after Control Panel>Flash Player has been "Delete All"ed that a 3yo, unmaintained flashcookiescleaner still finds and deletes multiple flash cookies? I'm a big fan of Pririform software, but this smacks of misleading advertising(go figure)... or am I missing something?

Is there a way to make CCleaner truly remove ALL flash cookies as advertised or must it be run in conjunction w/ a Flash cleaner?

***My browser is locked down and clears history w/ all selected when I close. I personally use NoScript and get NO cookies, but most people can't grok it so they disable it or call/text/email me frequently until I disable it for them.

Hello all. Just joined the forum. Need help choosing real vs. fake anti-malware programs, and trustworthy cleaning programs for Windows 8. Prefer freeware, but all reviews are most welcome. Thanks!