Best Free Firefox Add-ons


Firefox Add-ons Index

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About This List

This list now includes 39 add-ons or extensions for Firefox and its derivative web browsers. The add-ons are reviewed and classified into several categories appearing in the Index above. It is a work in progress subject to further updates with more details and new add-ons.

To quickly find what you want, select an Add-ons Category on the top of this page or use the box below to view all add-ons in one huge list.


Add-ons For Firefox And Its Derivatives

FirefoxFirefox is one of the most popular browsers today, competing neck-and-neck with Chrome. Its main strong points are that it's

  1. always up-to-date with the latest web technologies and security details;
  2. cross-platform;
  3. customizable and extendable with the famous add-on system that can give you features you can only dream of if you're using a different browser;
  4. open-source, meaning anyone can see the code, contribute to it (with moderation) and make their own derivatives.

Good news is always accompanied by bad news though. Recently, Mozilla has been publishing certain long-term plans that could destroy Firefox's reputation as the ultimate browser. It seems they want to cater to nobody but the most inexperienced computer users and they couldn't care less about what advanced users think. I've personally been in discussions with them and - like many other people - am appalled by how they defy all logic and common sense in order to justify some of their very backwards decisions.

Pale MoonAs a result, I personally prefer using Pale Moon. It's a Windows-only fork or derivative browser with a lot of unnecessary features and changes left out. It resembles the previous generation of Firefox versions, but with the modern code under the hood. It's also specifically designed to cater more to power users than beginners, as you can tell from its almost exclusively tech-savvy user base. It has only one developer (Moonchild) at the moment, but that hasn't stopped it from staying up-to-date, being a perfect replacement for FF and steadily conquering a share of the browser market.

Throughout the rest of the article, I will only refer to Firefox for the sake of simplicity. However, it should be obvious that any add-on that works in Firefox will almost certainly work in any of its derivative browsers (Pale Moon, Waterfox, etc) as well, so don't worry if you're using one of those.



This software review is copy-edited by Glyn Burgess. Please help edit and improve this article by clicking here.

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I know nothing of SecureLogin, i've been using LastPass for years.

Have you tested Cookie Controller?

I think it's the same in firefox, but in palemoon flashblock is pretty much useless as the flash plugin itself can be set to Ask to activate.

This one Download Flash and Video pretty much always works.
For Youtube i use the feature of SmartVideo for Youtube and there's also when i'm not using my own Palemoon browser. I used to use DownThemall and DownloadHelper, but they aren't necessary anymore.

I like Stylish, it's just a bit hard to find styles that do what i want.

Palemoon commander, yes!

I also always have Mozilla Archive Format and FEBE.

Ghostery, AdBlockEdge & AdBlockPlus (with proper config) are all roughly equal in ability to protect privacy. Disconnect comes in at a distant 4th.

[There is an obvious opt-out choice for anonymous reporting to Ghostery - I don't see any issue unless you don't pay attention and you SHOULD pay attention when installing software.] You need to do your homework when you configure AND UPDATE these add-ons; the default settings are NOT usually the best.

All according to this useful continuous testing site:

which also helps you to configure the add-ons properly.

If you browse widely to 'new' urls on a continuous basis, NoScript is a royal pain in the butt.

1/ Adblock has some deal with advertising company, I recommand the fork Adblock Edge
2/ Some website are blocking you if Adblock is enabled.
A Greasemonkey script removes many protections used on some website that force the user to disable the AdBlocker
Anti-AdBlock Killer :

Do you have anything to back up your claim in #1? I've compared ABP to ABE and don't notice any improvement or other advantage. I can hardly imagine there being any bias in ABP if you use custom filters either, what's a deal with an ad company supposed to impact? It's also a fork of the original, which to me is a caution bell signaling reduced app quality. I'm a bit reluctant to post that script from #2 because it's not an add-on and it's only site-specific... It'll never be a comprehensive solution. Thanks for the reply though.

For #1 you'll find information for example here

For #2 It's not site specific. It's specific to all website tracking adblock users

#2 actually, it is. :) "However, this script is not a universal remedy for all anti-adblock protection. this is why I am counting on all user for my report." There's also the "Supported Sites" section. Yes, it does target 4 particular, popular anti-AB scripts websites use. But that does not make it specific to all websites blocking adblock, only to the specific sites that have been reported so far + the sites that use those 4 particular scripts. It's kind of the same problem as with ABP's EasyList: 9 bazillion filters of which you'll only use 5, and those 5 will only be 1% of your browsing habits. Either way, this article really isn't for GM scripts. Supporting a section for those would make this article far too large to maintain.

Some add-on suggestions for the editor

Page 1: Security
Secure Login

Page 3: Privacy
No Cookie for Google search

Page 4. Adblocking
Silent Block

Page 5: Downloading
Download Panel Tweaker

Maybe more categories, e.g.
-utilities/tools like FireFTP
-Photos, Music & Videos like ImageTweak, YouTube Grid View
-firefox customization like Tab Mix Plus, Location Bar Enhancer etc.
-performance like Local Load, Tweak Network
-advanced config like Pale Moon Commander, Configuration Mania, Config Descriptions

Very nice suggestions! :) I love how I already use half of those add-ons, I hadn't even thought of them yet xD


It could either go in section 9 or section 2.

It displays a small country flag at the right hand side of your address bar, showing the country that the web server is located in. When you hover your mouse pointer over the flag it displays the server's name, IP address and name of the country of origin.

BTW, you should warn users of Ghostery not to agree to the information collection part of Ghostery. You're just replacing one set of spies with another, the Ghostery company itself.

Flagfox is already in there, waiting for a details paragraph. I'll add that, thanks.

"Anyone can make there own, incredibly useful, easy to use, takes up very little room, for me reliable."

There? How about their?

That's from the previous editor :) I'm only at page 5 at the moment, page 5 and every page after it still needs to be cleaned up and revised.
Not much listed under download managers: my favourite of the genre is DownThemAll ( There's also a tiny extension called OpenDownload which simply adds the option to open a download from the usual "save" dialogue. Obviously, the rationale for NOT having the "run" option in that dialogue in Firefox is security, so the use of this extension has its risks. There's a heading for it on the Forms page but no detail yet: Lazarus, to be found at Lazarus is a safety net. It remembers what you've typed into a webform so, if something goes wrong or you lose what you've typed, it'll have quietly remembered what you did and offer to put it back for you. I commend it to your attention :)
DTA was already in there. The section as a whole is quite empty because the article is a WIP and because download manager add-ons are not something I've used often yet. I also avoid add-ons I believe to be too dumbed-down or case-specific, such as Youtube MP3 converters and such. OpenDownload is a nice suggestion, thanks. I'm an opponent of boxing users into cages under the false motto of protection and security, like Mozilla is trying to do. Installed already and loving it. And yes, I'm familiar with Lazarus, that's why I put it there: so I can work on it when I get to that section. Textarea Cache does something similar, but of course only on textareas. Handy to rescue WIP forum posts without revealing possibly sensitive form info. :)
